Page Analytics it is microservice, which deliver information about page. All statistics are collected from google analytics and they are fetch for current date, every 15 minutes.
- views - number of visits.
- uniqueViews - number of unique views.
- avgTimeOnPage - avrage time on page in seconds.
- entraces - number of entraces/landing on page.
- exits - number of exits from page.
- date - date of statistics are for.
Send GET request to retrieve statistics for all pages.
Send GET request with path and date params to retrieve statistics for certain page and date.
GET http://{url}/page-analytics
path: "/extra-time/history-of-volleyball/",
views: 642,
uniqueViews: 531,
avgTimeOnPage: 39.4,
entrances: 233,
exits: 211,
date: "2015-01-14"
path: "/extra-time/footbal-highligts/",
views: 1534,
uniqueViews: 945,
avgTimeOnPage: 34.43,
entrances: 548,
exits: 859,
date: "2015-01-14"
path: "/extra-time/phone-features/",
views: 156,
uniqueViews: 90,
avgTimeOnPage: 61,
entrances: 42,
exits: 67,
date: "2015-01-14"
To fetch data from google analytics you need to setup google analytics account
After that you need to provide your account settings in application.conf.
ga.p12-key-file-location= "<p12-key-file-location>"
ga.service-account-email = "<service-account-email>"
ga.profile-id= "<profile-id>"
ga.query-filters= "<query-filters>"
- Scala.
- Play framework.
- Akka.
- Slick.
- Guice.