Scripts and files associated with the gene based definition of Nigon units, identification of germline restricted regions and chromosomal assembly of O. tipulae manuscript
Prerequisites can be installed via:
conda create -n otipu -c r -c conda-forge r-base r-tidyverse r-reshape2 r-scales r-gtools r-ggpubr r-cluster r-tsne
conda activate otipu
After cloning the repository, R scripts can executed from the master directory.
Figures can be found under report/figure
while analysis results will be generated under analysis
git clone
cd otipu_chrom_assem
Rscript scripts/nigon_definition.R
To regenerate the circos plot, circos must have been installed.
cd otipu_chrom_assem/analyses/circos
circos -conf etc/Oscheius_tipulae_3.3_all_chromosomes_Pif.circos.conf
circos -conf etc/Oscheius_tipulae_3.3_telomeres.conf