entail looks at logs that are produced by a nomad job from all its allocations
and allows two basic ops with these logs:
- tail'em all in one place
- grep'em all in one place
$ entail --help
entail 0.1.3
a.k.a. "nomad tail"
I tail logs from all nomad allocations for a given job
how to play:
$ entail job [opts]
opts are:
-h, --help show this usage details
-v, --verbose show details of what is run under the hood
-t, --task zoom in on logs for a particular nomad job's task
-a, --tail-all tail -f all files in the allocation: .stdout, .stderr, .anything
-l, --log-root root directory for "entail" to tail or grep logs from
-n, --file-name specific file name to grep
-g, --grep a pattern that will be plugged in to "grep -E <pattern>"
example : entail my-job ## tail -f logs from all allocations of my-job
example : entail my-job -t my-task ## if a job has one or more tasks
example : entail my-job -a ## tail -f all files from all allocations
example : entail my-job -l /opt/app/hubble/logs ## changing a log root directory to tail / grep from
example : entail my-job -g "soft[^[:space:]]+" ## grep -E "soft[^[:space:]]+"
make sure:
* NOMAD_ADDR and NOMAD_TOKEN are exported/set to point to the correct environment
* "jq" and "nomad" command line programs are installed
tailing logs from all the allocations of a job named "hubble":
$ entail hubble
hit ctrl-c to stop
looking at logs for "hubble" app
logs from /alloc/logs/
allocation | version | node client
fffced31-0168-4b63-1e58-5f62d05a0857 | v1.42 | nomad-dev-client-i-076921e2a56a65500
eba351b6-a1f1-3983-bdcb-6e7b8c9f27bd | v1.42 | nomad-dev-client-i-014af3afd328a7a30
38e93fd6-2183-ecae-80c6-7ea75370d193 | v1.42 | nomad-dev-client-i-0e5a4c7134c7fe2c5
2022-11-24T05:17:41,473 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO ...
2022-11-24T06:37:43,680 [async-dispatch-5] INFO ...
2022-11-24T06:37:43,764 [async-dispatch-6] INFO ...
2022-11-24T06:37:43,880 [async-dispatch-7] INFO ...
looking for something, a.k.a. grepping (-g
) inside all the logs of all the allocations of a "hubble" job:
$ entail hubble -g "Horsehead"
hit ctrl-c to stop
looking at logs for "hubble" app
logs from /alloc/logs/hubble.log
allocation | version | node client
fffced31-0168-4b63-1e58-5f62d05a0857 | v1.42 | nomad-dev-client-i-076921e2a56a65500
2022-11-24T05:17:41,473 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO enter the Horsehead nebula
2022-11-24T06:37:43,680 [async-dispatch-5] INFO ...
eba351b6-a1f1-3983-bdcb-6e7b8c9f27bd | v1.42 | nomad-dev-client-i-014af3afd328a7a30
2022-11-24T05:18:41,123 [pool-1-thread-2] INFO a small dark nebula in the constellation Orion is known as Horsehead
2022-11-24T06:27:41,489 [async-dispatch-15] INFO ...
38e93fd6-2183-ecae-80c6-7ea75370d193 | v1.42 | nomad-dev-client-i-0e5a4c7134c7fe2c5
2022-11-23T19:42:14,350 [async-dispatch-3] INFO The Horsehead Nebula (also known as Barnard 33)...
2022-11-23T19:42:14,470 [async-dispatch-4] INFO ...
started as a proposal
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