Releases: tokorom/action-slack-incoming-webhook
Releases · tokorom/action-slack-incoming-webhook
Fix set-output problem
Merge pull request #34 from tokorom/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/jsdom-and…
Bump up to v1.2.0
Replace set-env in the sample with GITHUB_ENV
v1.1.4 Bump up to v1.1.4
Bumped up some node packages
v1.1.3 Bump up version
Bumped up some node packages
v1.1.2 Merge pull request #8 from tokorom/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node-fetch…
Bumped up some node packages
v1.1.1 Merge pull request #6 from tokorom/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/handlebars…
Support Inputs
- text
- blocks
- attachments
- thread_ts
- mrkdwn