Change colorscheme of alacritty with ease.
You can install alacritty-colorscheme using pip:
pip install --user alacritty-colorscheme
usage: alacritty-colorscheme [-c configuration file] [-C colorscheme directory] [-V] [-h]
{list,status,toggle,apply} ...
You can get colorschemes from aaron-williamson/base16-alacritty
REPO="" DEST="$HOME/.aarors-williamson-colorschemes" # Get colorschemes git clone $REPO $DEST # Create symlink at default colors location (optional) ln -s "$DEST/colors" "$HOME/.config/alacritty/colors"
You can also get colorschemes from from eendroroy/alacritty-theme
REPO= DEST="$HOME/.eendroroy-colorschemes" # Get colorschemes git clone $REPO $DEST # Create symlink at default colors location (optional) ln -s "$DEST/themes" "$HOME/.config/alacritty/colors"
If you are using base16 colorschemes from
base16-vim plugin, you can use
the -V
argument to automatically generate ~/.vimrc_background
file when you
change alacritty colorscheme. You will need to source this file in your vimrc
to load the same colorscheme in vim.
Add this in your .vimrc
if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc_background"))
let base16colorspace=256 " Remove this line if not necessary
source ~/.vimrc_background
When you change your alacritty colorscheme, you simply need to source
or your vimrc
If you are a neo-vim user, ~/.vimrc_background
will be automatically sourced.
Add this in your .zshrc
or .bashrc
alias day="alacritty-colorscheme -V apply $LIGHT_COLOR"
alias night="alacritty-colorscheme -V apply $DARK_COLOR"
alias toggle="alacritty-colorscheme -V toggle $LIGHT_COLOR $DARK_COLOR"
Add this in your i3 config
set $light_color base16-gruvbox-light-soft.yml
set $dark_color base16-gruvbox-dark-soft.yml
# Toggle between light and dark colorschemes
bindsym $mod+Shift+n exec alacritty-colorscheme -V toggle $light_color $dark_color
# Toggle between all available colorschemes
bindsym $mod+Shift+m exec alacritty-colorscheme -V toggle
# Get notification with current colorscheme
bindsym $mod+Shift+b exec notify-send "Alacritty Colorscheme" `alacritty-colorscheme status`
pip install --user poetry
git clone
cd alacritty-colorscheme
poetry install
poetry run python -m alacritty_colorscheme.cli
pip install --user .
Content of this repository is released under the [Apache License, Version 2.0].