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Better RepresentableK derivation #147

merged 3 commits into from
Feb 11, 2020
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ lazy val derivation =
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(magnolia, derevo, catsTagless),
publishName := "derivation"
publishName := "derivation",

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
package tofu.higherKind.derived
import{IorT, NonEmptyChain}
import derevo.derive
import tofu.higherKind.Embed
@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@ object EmbedKSuite {
trait Foo[F[_]] {
def foo(x: Int, s: String): F[Double]
def bar(a: List[Int]): Free[F, Unit]
def baz(xx: Double): IorT[F, NonEmptyChain[String], Long]

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
package tofu.higherKind.derived

import RepresentableKSuite.Foo
import{OptionT, Tuple2K}
import cats.instances.either._
import cats.instances.option._
import cats.syntax.either._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.{Id, ~>}
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import RepresentableKSuite.Foo
import tofu.syntax.functionK.funK
import tofu.syntax.embed._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import cats.syntax.option._
import cats.tagless.syntax.functorK._
import cats.tagless.syntax.semigroupalK._
import cats.tagless.syntax.applyK._
import cats.{Id, ~>}
import derevo.derive
import tofu.higherKind.derived.representableK
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import tofu.syntax.embed._
import tofu.syntax.functionK.funK

import scala.util.Try

@@ -25,30 +25,38 @@ class RepresentableKSuite extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
Try(s.toDouble) => s"could not parse $s as double").map(_ * x)
override def bar(a: List[Int]): Either[String, Unit] =
a.headOption.toRight("must contain at least one element").void
def baz(a: List[String]): OptionT[Either[String, *], Unit] =

val defaultFoo: Foo[Id] = new Foo[Id] {
override def foo(x: Int, s: String): Double = x.toDouble
override def bar(a: List[Int]): Unit = ()
def baz(a: List[String]): OptionT[Id, Unit] = OptionT.none

type MapR[+A] = Embedded[(String, +*), List, A]

"representableK" should "generate nice mapK" in {
val eitherToList: Either[String, *] ~> Embedded[(String, +*), List, *] = funK {
val eitherToList: Either[String, *] ~> MapR = funK {
case Left(err) => Embedded(((err, Nil)))
case Right(res) => Embedded((("", List(res))))

val mappedFoo = checkingFoo.mapK(eitherToList)
val mappedFoo: Foo[MapR] = checkingFoo.mapK(eitherToList), "2.3") should ===(Embedded(("", List(4.6)))), "fail") should ===(Embedded(("could not parse fail as double", List()))), 5, 6)) should ===(Embedded(("", List(())))) should ===(Embedded(("must contain at least one element", List())))

mappedFoo.baz(List("one", "two")) should ===(OptionT[MapR, Unit](Embedded(("one", Nil))))
mappedFoo.baz(Nil) should ===(OptionT[MapR, Unit](Embedded(("", List(None)))))

"representableK" should "generate nice productK" in {
val zippedFoo = checkingFoo.productK(defaultFoo)
val zippedFoo: Foo[Tuple2K[Either[String, *], Id, *]] = checkingFoo.productK(defaultFoo)

def tuple[A](e: Either[String, A], a: A) = Tuple2K[Either[String, *], Id, A](e, a)

@@ -57,6 +65,10 @@ class RepresentableKSuite extends FlatSpec with Matchers {, 5, 6)) should ===(tuple(Right(()), ())) should ===(tuple(Left("must contain at least one element"), ()))

zippedFoo.baz(List("one", "two")) should ===(OptionT(tuple(Left("one"), none[Unit])))
zippedFoo.baz(Nil) should ===(OptionT(tuple(Right(none[Unit]), none[Unit])))


"representableK" should "generate nice embed" in {
@@ -82,6 +94,9 @@ object RepresentableKSuite {
trait Foo[F[_]] {
def foo(x: Int, s: String): F[Double]

def bar(a: List[Int]): F[Unit]

def baz(a: List[String]): OptionT[F, Unit]
35 changes: 2 additions & 33 deletions higherKindCore/src/main/scala/tofu/higherKind/Embed.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
package tofu.higherKind

import cats.FlatMap
import{EitherT, IorT, OptionT, ReaderT, WriterT}
import simulacrum.typeclass
import tofu.syntax.monadic._

@typeclass trait Embed[U[_[_]]] {
def embed[F[_]: FlatMap](ft: F[U[F]]): U[F]
@@ -19,37 +17,8 @@ trait EmbedInstanceChain[TC[u[_[_]]] >: Embed[u]] extends RepresentableKInstance
def embed[F[_]: FlatMap](ft: F[Free[F, A]]): Free[F, A] = Free.roll(ft)

private[this] def optionTInstance[A]: Embed[OptionT[*[_], A]] = new Embed[OptionT[*[_], A]] {
def embed[F[_]: FlatMap](ft: F[OptionT[F, A]]): OptionT[F, A] = OptionT(ft.flatMap(_.value))

private[this] def eitherTInstance[E, A]: Embed[EitherT[*[_], E, A]] = new Embed[EitherT[*[_], E, A]] {
def embed[F[_]: FlatMap](ft: F[EitherT[F, E, A]]): EitherT[F, E, A] = EitherT(ft.flatMap(_.value))

private[this] def writerTInstance[W, A]: Embed[WriterT[*[_], W, A]] = new Embed[WriterT[*[_], W, A]] {
def embed[F[_]: FlatMap](ft: F[WriterT[F, W, A]]): WriterT[F, W, A] = WriterT(ft.flatMap(

private[this] def iorTInstance[E, A]: Embed[IorT[*[_], E, A]] = new Embed[IorT[*[_], E, A]] {
def embed[F[_]: FlatMap](ft: F[IorT[F, E, A]]): IorT[F, E, A] = IorT(ft.flatMap(_.value))

private[this] def readerTInstance[R, A]: Embed[ReaderT[*[_], R, A]] = new Embed[ReaderT[*[_], R, A]] {
def embed[F[_]: FlatMap](ft: F[ReaderT[F, R, A]]): ReaderT[F, R, A] = ReaderT(r => ft.flatMap(
private[this] val freeEmbedAny = freeInstance[Any]

private[this] val freeEmbedAny = freeInstance[Any]
private[this] val optionTEmbedAny = optionTInstance[Any]
private[this] val eitherTEmbedAny = eitherTInstance[Any, Any]
private[this] val writerTEmbedAny = writerTInstance[Any, Any]
private[this] val iorTEmbedAny = iorTInstance[Any, Any]
private[this] val readerTEmbedAny = readerTInstance[Any, Any]
final implicit def freeEmbed[A]: TC[Free[*[_], A]] = freeEmbedAny.asInstanceOf[TC[Free[*[_], A]]]

final implicit def freeEmbed[A]: TC[Free[*[_], A]] = freeEmbedAny.asInstanceOf[TC[Free[*[_], A]]]
final implicit def optionEmbed[A]: TC[OptionT[*[_], A]] = optionTEmbedAny.asInstanceOf[TC[OptionT[*[_], A]]]
final implicit def eitherTEmbed[E, A]: TC[EitherT[*[_], E, A]] = eitherTEmbedAny.asInstanceOf[TC[EitherT[*[_], E, A]]]
final implicit def writerTEmbed[W, A]: TC[WriterT[*[_], W, A]] = writerTEmbedAny.asInstanceOf[TC[WriterT[*[_], W, A]]]
final implicit def iorTEmbed[E, A]: TC[IorT[*[_], E, A]] = iorTEmbedAny.asInstanceOf[TC[IorT[*[_], E, A]]]
final implicit def readerTEmbed[R, A]: TC[ReaderT[*[_], R, A]] = readerTEmbedAny.asInstanceOf[TC[ReaderT[*[_], R, A]]]
107 changes: 105 additions & 2 deletions higherKindCore/src/main/scala/tofu/higherKind/RepresentableK.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package tofu.higherKind
import{EitherT, IorT, OptionT, ReaderT, Tuple2K, WriterT}
import cats.tagless.IdK
import cats.{FlatMap, ~>}
import simulacrum.typeclass
@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ trait RepK[U[_[_]], A] {

object RepK {
def apply[U[_[_]]] = new Applied[U](true)
def mk[U[_[_]]] = new Applied[U](true)

class Applied[T[_[_]]](private val __ : Boolean) extends AnyVal {
type Arb[_]
@@ -58,7 +60,108 @@ trait RepresentableKInstanceChain[TC[u[_[_]]] >: RepresentableK[u]] {
override def pureK[F[_]](p: Point[F]): F[A] = p.point[A]

private[this] val idKRepresentableAny = idKRepresentableInst[Any]
private[this] def readerTInstance[R, A]: RepresentableK[ReaderT[*[_], R, A]] =
new RepresentableK[ReaderT[*[_], R, A]] {
def tabulate[F[_]](hom: RepK[ReaderT[*[_], R, A], *] ~> F): ReaderT[F, R, A] = ReaderT(r => hom(
override def embed[F[_]: FlatMap](ft: F[ReaderT[F, R, A]]): ReaderT[F, R, A] = ReaderT(r => ft.flatMap(
override def pureK[F[_]](p: Point[F]): ReaderT[F, R, A] = ReaderT(r => p.point[A])
override val unitK: ReaderT[UnitK, R, A] = super.unitK
override def mapK[F[_], G[_]](af: ReaderT[F, R, A])(fk: F ~> G): ReaderT[G, R, A] = af.mapK(fk)

override def productK[F[_], G[_]](af: ReaderT[F, R, A], ag: ReaderT[G, R, A]): ReaderT[Tuple2K[F, G, *], R, A] =
ReaderT(r => Tuple2K(,

override def zipWith2K[F[_], G[_], H[_]](af: ReaderT[F, R, A], ag: ReaderT[G, R, A])(
f2: Function2K[F, G, H]
): ReaderT[H, R, A] = ReaderT(r => f2(,

private[this] def optionTInstance[A]: RepresentableK[OptionT[*[_], A]] = new RepresentableK[OptionT[*[_], A]] {
def tabulate[F[_]](hom: RepK[OptionT[*[_], A], *] ~> F): OptionT[F, A] = OptionT(hom(

override def mapK[F[_], G[_]](af: OptionT[F, A])(fk: F ~> G): OptionT[G, A] = af.mapK(fk)
override def productK[F[_], G[_]](af: OptionT[F, A], ag: OptionT[G, A]): OptionT[Tuple2K[F, G, *], A] =
OptionT(Tuple2K(af.value, ag.value))
override def zipWith2K[F[_], G[_], H[_]](af: OptionT[F, A], ag: OptionT[G, A])(
f2: Function2K[F, G, H]
): OptionT[H, A] =
OptionT(f2(af.value, ag.value))
override def pureK[F[_]](p: Point[F]): OptionT[F, A] = OptionT(p.point)
override val unitK: OptionT[UnitK, A] = super.unitK
override def embed[F[_]: FlatMap](ft: F[OptionT[F, A]]): OptionT[F, A] = OptionT(ft.flatMap(_.value))

private[this] def eitherTInstance[E, A]: RepresentableK[EitherT[*[_], E, A]] =
new RepresentableK[EitherT[*[_], E, A]] {
def tabulate[F[_]](hom: RepK[EitherT[*[_], E, A], *] ~> F): EitherT[F, E, A] =

override def mapK[F[_], G[_]](af: EitherT[F, E, A])(fk: F ~> G): EitherT[G, E, A] = af.mapK(fk)
override def productK[F[_], G[_]](af: EitherT[F, E, A], ag: EitherT[G, E, A]): EitherT[Tuple2K[F, G, *], E, A] =
EitherT(Tuple2K(af.value, ag.value))
override def zipWith2K[F[_], G[_], H[_]](af: EitherT[F, E, A], ag: EitherT[G, E, A])(
f2: Function2K[F, G, H]
): EitherT[H, E, A] =
EitherT(f2(af.value, ag.value))
override def pureK[F[_]](p: Point[F]): EitherT[F, E, A] =
override val unitK: EitherT[UnitK, E, A] = super.unitK
override def embed[F[_]: FlatMap](ft: F[EitherT[F, E, A]]): EitherT[F, E, A] = EitherT(ft.flatMap(_.value))

private[this] def writerTInstance[W, A]: RepresentableK[WriterT[*[_], W, A]] =
new RepresentableK[WriterT[*[_], W, A]] {

def tabulate[F[_]](hom: RepK[WriterT[*[_], W, A], *] ~> F): WriterT[F, W, A] = WriterT(hom(

override def mapK[F[_], G[_]](af: WriterT[F, W, A])(fk: F ~> G): WriterT[G, W, A] = af.mapK(fk)
override def productK[F[_], G[_]](af: WriterT[F, W, A], ag: WriterT[G, W, A]): WriterT[Tuple2K[F, G, *], W, A] =
override def zipWith2K[F[_], G[_], H[_]](af: WriterT[F, W, A], ag: WriterT[G, W, A])(
f2: Function2K[F, G, H]
): WriterT[H, W, A] =
override def pureK[F[_]](p: Point[F]): WriterT[F, W, A] = WriterT(p.point)
override val unitK: WriterT[UnitK, W, A] = super.unitK
override def embed[F[_]: FlatMap](ft: F[WriterT[F, W, A]]): WriterT[F, W, A] = WriterT(ft.flatMap(

private[this] def iorTInstance[E, A]: RepresentableK[IorT[*[_], E, A]] = new RepresentableK[IorT[*[_], E, A]] {

def tabulate[F[_]](hom: RepK[IorT[*[_], E, A], *] ~> F): IorT[F, E, A] = IorT(hom(

override def mapK[F[_], G[_]](af: IorT[F, E, A])(fk: F ~> G): IorT[G, E, A] =
override def productK[F[_], G[_]](af: IorT[F, E, A], ag: IorT[G, E, A]): IorT[Tuple2K[F, G, *], E, A] =
IorT(Tuple2K(af.value, ag.value))
override def zipWith2K[F[_], G[_], H[_]](af: IorT[F, E, A], ag: IorT[G, E, A])(
f2: Function2K[F, G, H]
): IorT[H, E, A] =
IorT(f2(af.value, ag.value))
override def pureK[F[_]](p: Point[F]): IorT[F, E, A] = IorT(p.point)
override val unitK: IorT[UnitK, E, A] = super.unitK
override def embed[F[_]: FlatMap](ft: F[IorT[F, E, A]]): IorT[F, E, A] = IorT(ft.flatMap(_.value))

private[this] val optionTRepresentableKAny = optionTInstance[Any]
private[this] val eitherTRepresentableKAny = eitherTInstance[Any, Any]
private[this] val writerTRepresentableKAny = writerTInstance[Any, Any]
private[this] val iorTRepresentableKAny = iorTInstance[Any, Any]
private[this] val idKRepresentableAny = idKRepresentableInst[Any]
private[this] val readerTInstanceAny = readerTInstance[Any, Any]

final implicit def idKRepresentable[A]: TC[IdK[A]#λ] = idKRepresentableAny.asInstanceOf[TC[IdK[A]#λ]]
final implicit def readerTRepresentable[R, A]: TC[ReaderT[*[_], R, A]] =
readerTInstanceAny.asInstanceOf[TC[ReaderT[*[_], R, A]]]

final implicit def optionRepresentableK[A]: TC[OptionT[*[_], A]] =
optionTRepresentableKAny.asInstanceOf[TC[OptionT[*[_], A]]]
final implicit def eitherTRepresentableK[E, A]: TC[EitherT[*[_], E, A]] =
eitherTRepresentableKAny.asInstanceOf[TC[EitherT[*[_], E, A]]]
final implicit def writerTRepresentableK[W, A]: TC[WriterT[*[_], W, A]] =
writerTRepresentableKAny.asInstanceOf[TC[WriterT[*[_], W, A]]]
final implicit def iorTRepresentableK[E, A]: TC[IorT[*[_], E, A]] =
iorTRepresentableKAny.asInstanceOf[TC[IorT[*[_], E, A]]]

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -18,28 +18,36 @@ class HigherKindedMacros(override val c: blackbox.Context) extends cats.tagless.

def tabulate(algebra: Type): (String, Type => Tree) =
"tabulate" -> {
case PolyType(List(f), MethodType(List(hom), _)) =>
val members = overridableMembersOf(algebra)
val types = delegateAbstractTypes(algebra, members, algebra)
case PolyType(List(f), MethodType(List(hom), af)) =>
val members = overridableMembersOf(af)
val types = delegateAbstractTypes(af, members, af)
val repk = reify(tofu.higherKind.RepK).tree
val funk = reify(tofu.syntax.functionK).tree
val alg = TermName(c.freshName("alg"))
val rep = TermName(c.freshName("rep"))
val et = tq""
val algv = q"val $alg: $et"
val ff = algebra match {
case PolyType(List(ff1), _) => ff1
val methods = delegateMethods(algebra, members, NoSymbol) {
case method if method.occursInParams(ff) =>
abort(s"Type parameter $ff appears in contravariant position in method ${}")
val repv = q"val $rep: $et"

val methods = delegateMethods(af, members, NoSymbol) {
case method if method.occursInParams(f) =>
abort(s"Type parameter $f appears in contravariant position in method ${}")

case method if method.occursInReturn(ff) =>
case method if method.returnType.typeConstructor.typeSymbol == f =>
val params =
val body = q"$hom($repk[$algebra](($algv => $alg.${}(...$params))))"
val tpe = appliedType(f, method.returnType.typeArgs)
method.copy(body = body, returnType = tpe)
method.copy(body = body)

case method if method.occursInReturn(f) =>
val params =
val tt = polyType(f :: Nil, method.returnType)
val F = summon[RepresentableK[Any]](tt)
val body =
q"$F.tabulate($funk.funK($repv => $hom($repk[$algebra]($algv => $rep($alg.${}(...$params))))))"
method.copy(body = body)

case method =>
abort(s"Type parameter $ff does not appear in return in method ${}")
abort(s"Type parameter $f does not appear in return in method ${}")

val res = implement(algebra)(f)(types ++ methods)
@@ -79,7 +87,7 @@ class HigherKindedMacros(override val c: blackbox.Context) extends cats.tagless.

def representableK[Alg[_[_]]](implicit tag: WeakTypeTag[Alg[Any]]): Tree =
instantiate[RepresentableK[Alg]](tag)(tabulate, productK, mapK)
instantiate[RepresentableK[Alg]](tag)(tabulate, productK, mapK, embedf)

def embed[Alg[_[_]]](implicit tag: WeakTypeTag[Alg[Any]]): Tree =