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Simple Lattice/Graph Library

Main functions

  • Access to information of lattice structure (sites, bonds, etc)
  • Construct lattice from unitcell, span vector of supercell, and boundary conditions
  • Construct lattice by adding sites and bonds one by one
  • Reading and writing ALPS Lattice XML file


  • C++-14 compiler
  • CMake to build tests and examples
  • Eigen3
  • [optional] Boost Library (Property Tree) for reading and writing XML files

How to build tests and examples and run tests

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make test


  • lattice::basis

    Helper class that contains the shape, i.e. the set of basis vectors, of the unit cell.

  • lattice::unitcell

    Helper class that contains the structure, i.e. sites and bonds, of the unit cell.

  • lattice::graph

    This class contains the structure of the whole lattice structure. It provides various information of sites (vertices) and bonds (edges) via the following member functions:

    member functions description
    std::size_t dimension() const; dimension of the lattice
    std::size_t num_sites() const; total number of sites
    std::size_t site_type(std::size_t s) const; type of site s
    const coordinate_t& coordinate(std::size_t s) const; coordinate of site s
    std::size_t num_neighbors(std::size_t s) const; number of neighboring sites of site s
    std::size_t neighbor(std::size_t s, std::size_t k) const; k-th neighbor site of site s
    std::size_t neighbor_bond(std::size_t s, std::size_t k) const; bond connecting site s and its k-th neighbor site
    std::size_t num_bonds() const; total number of bonds
    int bond_type(std::size_t b) const; type of bond s
    std::size_t source(std::size_t b) const; start point (site) of bond b
    std::size_t target(std::size_t b) const; end point (site) of bond b

How to construct lattices

  • periodic chain lattice of 16 sites

    • simplest interface

      lattice::graph lat = lattice::graph::simple(1, 16);
    • most generic interface

      lattice::basis_t bs(1, 1); bs << 1; // 1x1 matrix
      lattice::basis basis(bs);
      lattice::unitcell unitcell(1);
      unitcell.add_site(lattice::coordinate(0), 0);
      unitcell.add_bond(0, 0, lattice::offset(1), 0);
      lattice::span_t span(1, 1); span << 16; // 1x1 matrix
      std::vector<lattice::boundary_t> boundary(1, lattice::boundary_t::periodic);
      lattice::graph lat(basis, unitcell, span, boundary);
  • periodic square lattice of 4 x 4 sites

    • simplest interface

      lattice::graph lat = lattice::graph::simple(2, 4);
    • most generic interface

      lattice::basis_t bs(2, 2); bs << 1, 0, 0, 1; // 2x2 matrix
      lattice::basis basis(bs);
      lattice::unitcell unitcell(2);
      unitcell.add_site(lattice::coordinate(0, 0), 0);
      unitcell.add_bond(0, 0, lattice::offset(1, 0), 0);
      unitcell.add_bond(0, 0, lattice::offset(0, 1), 0);
      lattice::span_t span(2, 2); span << 4, 0, 0, 4; // 2x2 matrix
      std::vector<lattice::boundary_t> boundary(2, lattice::boundary_t::periodic);
      lattice::graph lat(basis, unitcell, span, boundary);
    • reading basis and unitcell from XML file

      std::string file = "lattices.xml";
      std::ifstream is(file);
      boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
      read_xml(is, pt);
      lattice::basis bs;
      read_xml(pt, "square lattice", bs);
      lattice::unitcell cell;
      read_xml(pt, "simple2d", cell);
      lattice::graph lat(bs, cell, lattice::extent(4, 4));
  • fully connected lattice of 10 sites

    lattice::graph lat = lattice::graph::fully_connected(10);