Pressdict is a compressed key-value store for JSON-serializable objects.
The objects to be stored in the container are JSON-serialized and the resulting string is compressed using zlib. The compressed string is then stored as value for the given key. When accessing the values in the container this process is reversed.
Pressdict can mostly be used like a normal Python dict:
from pressdict import Pressdict pd = Pressdict() pd["test"] = {"key": "value", "key2": 2} print(pd["test"])
Remember that everything in the dict is stored as string and is therefor IMMUTABLE!! That means that THIS WILL NOT WORK:
pd["list"].append("item") # will not work! pd["dict"]["new_key"] = "value" # will not work!
Thus, changes to objects in the Pressdict have to be explicit:
pd["list"] = pd["list"] + ["item"] d = pd["dict"] d["new_key"] = "value" pd["dict"] = d
NEW: Package now also includes a pressed list:
from pressdict import Presslist pl = Presslist() pl.append({"key": "value", "key2": 2}) print(pl[0])
Note that the same restrictions apply as for Pressdicts: You can not modify a stored object directly. You need to retrieve the object, modify it and store it again.
Testing requires having the nose library (pip install nose). After installation, the package can be tested by executing from outside the source directory:
nosetests --exe -v