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This is a mirror of
This file provides syntax highlighting for the GNU Octave programming language.

    * Highlights entire Octave grammar (endwhile, endfor, etc.), not just Matlab keywords
    * Updated to highlight all core Octave functions as of version 3.8.0
    * Highlights user functions and anonymous functions [@(...)] from within the .m file being edited
    * Use-dependent highlighting of Octave system variables
       When querying system variables, keyword is highlighted as a constant.  For example, var = true, highlights 'true'
       as a constant.
      When setting variables or otherwise invoking keyword as a function, keyword is highlighted as a function.  For
      example, var = true (2,4), highlights 'true' as a function.
    * Support for multi-line strings with line continuation characters as well as escaped quotes (\" or \') within string.
    * Support for new multi-line block comments
    * Error highlighting for bad number syntax, bad structure variable names, bad block comments, bad line continuations.
    * Optional support for highlighting operators (+, -, *, etc.), user variables, or tabs

    * Occasionally anonymous functions are highlighted as a function even though the instance is of the name as a
    * variable.  This is too difficult to correct without writing a full parser.

    * The syntax file has a list of every valid function in Octave which makes it useful as an auto-completion
    * dictionary for use with ViM's omnifunc function.  Once installed, type a few letters of the name of a function
    * and then use Ctrl-X Ctrl-O to bring up a list of possible matches.


    This script owes some debt to the two existing Octave syntax scripts:

    However, it has been thoroughly rewritten and expanded considerably.

    Install details:
    Add the following lines to your ~/.vimrc to get ViM to use the file

    ----- SNIP -----
    " Octave syntax
    augroup filetypedetect
      au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.m,*.oct set filetype=octave
    augroup END
    ----- SNIP -----

    Optional highlighting of operators (+, -, *, etc.), user variables, or tabs can be had by uncommenting the
    appropriately tagged lines in octave.vim.

    OMNIFUNC install on a UNIX-like system

    1) Install the syntax file as described above
    2) Add the following lines to your ~/.vimrc after the snippet from step 3 above
    ----- SNIP -----
    " Use keywords from Octave syntax language file for autocomplete
    if has("autocmd") && exists("+omnifunc")
       autocmd Filetype octave
       \ if &omnifunc == "" |
       \ setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete |
       \ endif
    ----- SNIP -----


Syntax highlighting file for GNU Octave (v3.4.0) language






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