Script to install and update Invidious
1) Install Invidious 7) Uninstall Invidious
2) Update Invidious 8) Set up PostgreSQL Backup
3) Deploy with Docker 9) Install Nginx
4) Add Swap Space 10) Install Inv sig helper
5) Run Database Maintenance 11) Install YouTube tsg.
6) Start, Stop or Restart 12) Exit
Usage: [options]
If called without arguments, installs Invidious.
--help |-h Display this help and exit
--install-invidious |-i Install Invidious
--cron-update |-c Update Invidious with cron
--database-maintenance |-m Database Maintenance
--install-log |-l Activate logging
--install-inv-sig-helper |-iish Install Inv-sig-helper
--install-ytsg |-iytsg Install YouTube trusted session generator
--ytsg-docker |-uytsgd Update YouTube ts tokens for Docker
To install Invidious: Note: you will be prompted to enter root password
If root password is not set, type:
sudo passwd root
Log in as root
su root
- Latest release
curl -sSL > && \ chmod +x && \ ./ -i
- Master
curl -sSL > && \ chmod +x && \ ./ -i
Invidious-Installer is sourced in the install option.
To install this script: See
Debian | Ubuntu |
CentOS | Fedora |
Arch | PureOS |
Linux Mint |
It is recommended to use this script on a fresh installation to avoid unwanted complications.
- I recommend a Debian 12 Droplet on DigitalOcean
Tested and working on:
Debian | Ubuntu | CentOS | Fedora | Arch | PureOS |
Tested extensively on Debian 9/10/11/12
- Docker option tested and working
Tested on Ubuntu 16.04/18.10/24
- Docker option tested, not working
Tested on CentOS 8
- Docker option tested and working
Tested on Fedora 40
- Docker option tested and working
On Bash on Debian on Windows (in Gnome-Boxes)
- Systemd not working
- Docker option not working
Tested on Linux Mint 22
- Docker option tested and working
- See #15
Tested on Arch Linux
- Docker option tested and working
If you get permission issues, set selinux to permissive. See how to here: How do I enable or disable SELinux ?Postgresql 11 will be installed by default in both Fedora and CentOS. (If not already installed)Postgresql will be default from repo on Fedora and CentOS
See Changelog
- Debian 8 and later
- Ubuntu 16.04 and later
- Linux Mint 22
- PureOS (Not tested)
- CentOS 8
- Fedora 40
- Docker support
- Arch Linux
- Code is mixed and customized from these sources:
- Bug report
- Feature request
- IRC Freenode: #InvidiousUpdater
*** Use at own risk ***