This is a sample Nerves project intended to showcase the USB serial and ethernet "gadget" OTG capabilities of the Pi Zero and WiFi support for the Pi Zero W and RedBear IoT pHAT. It utilizes the nerves_system_rpi0
system found at
To start your Nerves app:
MIX_TARGET=rpi0 mix deps.get
MIX_TARGET=rpi0 mix firmware
#Burn to an SD card with
MIX_TARGET=rpi0 mix firmware.burn
Plug in the Pi Zero to a host computer using the USB port on the Zero labeled "USB", then connect to the running iex console via a terminal emulator
Example: screen /dev/tty.usbmodem* 115200
Once inside the iex session, try out WiFi on a Pi Zero W or Pi Zero with RedBear IoT pHAT:
# Replace SSID and PASSWORD with something real, and potentially change key_mgmt if necessary. See for more information.
{:ok, pid} = Nerves.InterimWiFi.setup("wlan0", ssid: "[SSID]", key_mgmt: :"WPA-PSK", psk: "[PASSWORD]")
If the setup was successful, you will see lots of stuff on the screen, ending with something like:
00:00:17.444 [info] WiFiManager(wlan0, dhcp) got event {:bound, %{domain: "local", ifname: "wlan0", ipv4_address: "...", ipv4_broadcast: "", ipv4_gateway: "...", ipv4_subnet_mask: "...", nameservers: ["...", "..."]}}
- Official docs:
- Official website:
- Discussion Slack elixir-lang #nerves (Invite)
- Source: