Common Lisp programming interface for Enchant spell-checker library
Enchant is a Common Lisp interface for the Enchant spell-checker library. The Enchant library is a generic spell-checker library which uses other spell-checkers transparently as back-end. The library supports the following checkers:
- Hunspell
- GNU Aspell
- Hspell
- Voikko
- Apple Spell
- Zemberek
This Common Lisp Enchant package uses The Common Foreign Function Interface (CFFI) for accessing the Enchant C library. This package should work on any Common Lisp implementation which supports CFFI.
Quicklisp is the easiest way to install and load Enchant. There is
one ASDF system enchant
which also loads the Enchant C library
using CFFI's facilities.
Check the spelling for word using dictionary dict.
ENCHANT> (with-dict (lang "en_GB")
(dict-check lang "working")) ; correct
ENCHANT> (with-dict (lang "en_GB")
(dict-check lang "wrking")) ; incorrect
Get spelling suggestions for word using dictionary dict.
ENCHANT> (with-dict (lang "en_US")
(dict-suggest lang "wrking"))
("wring" "working" "irking" "waking" "wrying" "parking"
"marking" "winking" "wicking" "Zworykin" "dragging")
Author: Teemu Likonen <[email protected]>
OpenPGP key: 6965F03973F0D4CA22B9410F0F2CAE0E07608462
License: Creative Commons CC0 (public domain dedication)
The source code repository:
Enchant package uses similar names to the original Enchant C library.
Common Lisp's naming conventions are respected, though. For example, the
original C language function enchant_dict_check()
has been named
. The C function enchant_broker_dict_exists()
been named enchant:broker-dict-exists-p
and thus respecting the Common
Lisp suffix convention for predicate functions.
There are also macros for convenience: with-broker
, with-dict
. They hide some low-level resource initialization and
freeing operations.
Class for holding pointers to foreign (non-Lisp) broker resources.
Instances are created with broker-init
Class for holding pointers to foreign (non-Lisp) dictionary
resources. Instances are created with broker-request-dict
The lambda list:
Test if object is active. Return a generalized
boolean. This can be used with broker
and dict
The lambda list:
Get information about Enchant dictionary providers. Return a list of lists of three strings: provider name, provider description, provider library filename.
If broker is not an active broker
object, signal not-active-broker
error condition.
The lambda list:
(broker language)
Check if dictionary for language exists. Broker must be a valid
object returned by broker-init
. Language is a language code
and optional country code as a string (e.g., "en"
, "en_GB"
). If
the language exists return the language string. Otherwise return
If broker is not an active broker
object, signal not-active-broker
error condition.
The lambda list:
Free the foreign (non-Lisp) broker
resources. The argument is a
object returned by broker-init
. The broker
object becomes
inactive and can't be used anymore.
The lambda list:
(broker dict)
Free the foreign (non-Lisp) dict
resources. The first argument is a
object returned by broker-init
and the second a dict
returned by broker-request-dict
. The dict
object becomes inactive
and can't be used anymore.
The lambda list:
Return an error message string (or nil
) describing the last error
in the UTF-8 encoding. This can be called after broker
Initialize a new broker. Return a broker
object which can be used
to request dictionaries etc. See function broker-request-dict
A broker
object is active when it has been successfully created. It
allocates foreign (non-Lisp) resources and must be freed after use with
function broker-free
. After being freed it becomes inactive and thus
unusable. Generic function activep
can be used to test if a broker
object is active or not.
See macros with-broker
, with-dict
and with-pwl-dict
automatically initialize and free broker and dictionary resources.
The lambda list:
List all dictionaries that are available. Return a list of lists with
four strings: language and optional country code (e.g., "en"
), provider name, provider description and provider library
If broker is not an active broker
object, signal not-active-broker
error condition.
The lambda list:
(broker language)
Request a new dictionary for language. Return a dict
object which
can be used with spell-checker operations etc.
The broker argument must be an active broker
object created with
. Language is a language code and optional country code
as a string (e.g., "en"
or "en_GB"
A dict
object is active when it has been successfully created. It
allocates foreign (non-Lisp) resources and must be freed after use with
function broker-free-dict
. After being freed it becomes inactive and
thus unusable. Generic function activep
can be used to test if dict
object is active or not.
If no suitable dictionary could be found dict-not-found
condition is signaled.
See also with-dict
macro which automatically creates a dict
environment and frees it in the end.
The lambda list:
(broker pwl)
Request a new dictionary for personal word list file pwl (a filename string).
Return a dict
object which can be used with spell-checker operations.
The broker argument must be an active broker
object created with
. Personal word list file pwl is a text file with one
entry (a word) per line. If the file does not exist it is created. New
words can be added to the personal word list file with function
A dict
object is active when it has been successfully created. It
allocates foreign (non-Lisp) resources and must be freed after use with
function broker-free-dict
. After being freed it becomes inactive and
thus unusable. Generic function activep
can be used to test if dict
object is active or not.
See also with-pwl-dict
macro which automatically creates a dict
environment and frees it in the end.
The lambda list:
(broker language ordering)
Declares a preference of providers to use for language.
The language argument is a language code and optional country
code (e.g., "en"
or "en_GB"
). Pseudo language "*"
can be
used to declare a default ordering. It is used by any language that does
not explicitly declare an ordering. The ordering argument is a list of
provider name strings (e.g., ("myspell" "aspell" "ispell")
If broker is not an active broker
object, signal not-active-broker
error condition.
The lambda list:
(dict word)
Add word to user's personal dictionary dict. If the word exists in user's exclude dictionary also remove it from there.
The lambda list:
(dict word)
Add word to the current spell-checking session dict. Word is then recognized as a correct word in the current session.
The lambda list:
(dict word)
Check the spelling of word (string) using dictionary dict.
Return the word if the spelling is correct, nil
Dict must be an active dict
object returned by
, if not, signal a not-active-dict
The lambda list:
Describe dictionary dict. Return a list of four strings: language
code and optional country code (e.g., "en"
or "en_GB"
), provider
name, provider description and provider library filename.
Dict must be an active dict
object returned by
, if not, signal a not-active-dict
The lambda list:
Return an error message string (or nil
) describing the last error
in the UTF-8 encoding. This can be called after dict
The lambda list:
(dict word)
Check if word has been added to user's personal dictionary or to
the current spell-checking session dict. If true, return word.
Otherwise return nil
Functions for adding words are dict-add
and dict-add-to-session
The lambda list:
(dict word)
Check if word has been removed from user's personal dictionary or
from the current spell-checking session dict. If true, return word.
Otherwise return nil
The lambda list:
(dict word)
Add word to user's exclude dictionary for dict. If the word exists in user's personal dictionary also remove it from there.
The lambda list:
(dict word)
Remove word from the current spell-checking session dict. The word is not recognized anymore in the current session.
The lambda list:
(dict word correction)
Add a correction statement from misspelled word to correction using dictionary dict. Correction might show up in the suggestion list.
The lambda list:
(dict word)
Request spelling suggestions for word (string) using dictionary dict.
Return a list of suggestions (strings) or nil
if there aren't any.
Dict must be an active dict
object returned by
, if not, signal not-active-dict
Return the Enchant library version.
The lambda list:
(variable &body body)
Initialize a new broker
(using broker-init
) and lexically bind
variable to the broker
object. Execute all body forms and return
the values of the last body form. Finally, free the broker
with function broker-free
The lambda list:
((variable language &optional broker) &body body)
Request a new dict
object for language. Lexically bind variable
to the new dict
object and execute all body forms. Return the values
of the last body form. Finally, free the dict
resources with
function broker-free-dict
If the optional broker argument is given reuse that broker object when
requesting dict
. If the broker argument is not given create
implicitly a new broker
object with broker-init
and free it in the
end with broker-free
. Note that the decision about the broker
argument is done at the macro-expansion time. If there is
anything (except the symbol nil
) in the place of the broker argument
that will be used as the broker.
ENCHANT> (with-dict (lang "en_GB")
(dict-check lang "working"))
ENCHANT> (with-dict (lang "en_GB")
(dict-suggest lang "wrking"))
("wring" "working" "irking" "waking" "wrecking" "winking"
"wrinkling" "marking" "Wrekin" "raking")
The lambda list:
((variable pwl &optional broker) &body body)
Request a new dict
object for personal word list file pwl.
Lexically bind variable to the new dict
object and execute all
body forms. Return the values of the last body form. Finally, free
the dict
resources with function broker-free-dict
For more information on personal word list files see the documentation
of function broker-request-pwl-dict
If the optional broker argument is given reuse that broker object when
requesting dict
. If the broker argument is not given create
implicitly a new broker
object with broker-init
and free it in the
end with broker-free
. Note that the decision about the broker
argument is done at the macro-expansion time. If there is
anything (except the symbol nil
) in the place of the broker argument
that will be used as the broker.