TLA+ is a formal specification and verification language to help engineers design, specify, reason about, and verify complex software and hardware systems. It is widely used to verify the algorithms in distributed systems.
- WebSites
- Discussions
- Users
- Tools
- Books
- TLA+ blog posts and articles
- Real-world specs
- TLA+ Video Resources
- Scientific papers
- (University) courses teaching (with) TLA+
- Homepage: (
- TLA+ Project: (
- TLA+ Community Modules: (
- TLA+ Examples: (
- Learn TLA+ (PlusCal):
- google groups:!forum/tlaplus
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- Microsoft
- Atomix
- Informal Systems: TLA+ for protocol specification, model checking, model-based testing, and security audits of blockchains
- Open Networking Foundation
- Zilliqa Research
- TLC: (
- TLAPM: (
- Apalache:
- VSCode-extension:
- Toolbox (Eclipse based IDE): (
- Jupyter notebook:
- Emacs mode:
- Another Emacs mode:
- Intellij IDEA plugin:
- Better-comments (VSCode):
- TLC command-line wrapper:
- SANY (Syntactic Analyzer): A parser and syntax checker for TLA+ specifications
- TLAPS: A system for mechanically checking proofs written in TLA+
- tree-sitter-tlaplus: A tree-sitter grammar for TLA⁺ and PlusCal
- tlapy: A collection of Python tools for working with TLA+ specifications
- Specifying Systems (freely available)
- Hyperbook (freely available)
- Practical TLA+
- TLA+ in Practice and Theory (freely available)
name | description |
AWS and TLA+ | Use of Formal Methods at Amazon Web Services |
Batch Installer | Sending async batches of commands. |
Redux | Redux reducers with verifying a temporal property. |
Zero Downtime Deployments | A simple model of a deploying new code to servers where at least one server is always available to clients, and all available servers show the same code version. |
Trading Algorithm | Trading boths executing trades in a simulated market, showing how it’s susceptible to flash crashes. |
Detecting Linked-List Cycles | Finding cycles in linked lists. |
Replicated Storage | Replicated storage system with a quorum. |
Rate Limiter | Independent workers hitting a rate-limited API. |
Thread Pool | Multiple reader and writer threads sharing a bounded queue, discovering deadlocks. |
Bank Transfer | Specifying a bank transfer with overdraft protection. |
Finding bugs in systems through formalization | Ensuring distributed jobs go from “pending” to “completed”. |
Building A "Simple" Distributed System | Rebalanser - distributed resource allocation library. |
Train Sidings – A TLA+ Example | Railroad line where two trains can pass each other. |
Azure Cosmos TLA+ specifications | The consistency levels offered by Azure Cosmos DB (also see Murat Demirbas' talk). |
Modeling Streamlet in TLA+ | A PlusCal spec of a crash fault-tolerant variant of the Streamlet blockchain protocol. |
Using TLA+ in the Real World to Understand a Glibc Bug | Lifting code to the specification level to study a complex concurrency bug. |
tla-specs | Collection of documented TLA+ explorations. |
Real-world specs (not part of TLA+ Examples)
name | description |
Distributed Lock | TLA+ specification of a replicated state machine for distributed locking |
Generating All Combinations and Partitions | Spec of an algorithm in Knuth's TAOCP. It's Java implemenation is used by TLC. |
Just-in-Time Paxos | TLA+ specification of an experimental consensus protocol that relies on high-precision clock synchronization to order proposals |
Multi-primary Replication Protocol | TLA+ specification of a multi-primary replication protocol created for ONOS |
P4Runtime Protocol Specification | TLA+ specification of the P4Runtime API that was used to demonstrate and fix safety violations in the protocol |
Raft Consensus Algorithm | TLA+ specification of the Raft consensus algorithm |
Raft Consensus Algorithm w/ Client | TLA+ specification of the Raft consensus algorithm and linearizable client |
Sequentially Consistent Raft Streams | TLA+ specification of an algorithm for sequentially consistent streaming responses from a Raft cluster |
SWIM Membership Protocol | TLA+ specification of the Scalable Weakly-consistent Infection-style Membership (SWIM) protocol |
TendermintAcc | TLA+ specification of Tendermint consensus tuned for safety and fork accountability properties, including an inductive invariant |
Tendermint Light Client | TLA+ specification of the Tendermint light client |
TLA+ in TIDB | verify the distributed consensus algorithm : Raft & the implementation of distributed transaction. |
- The TLA+ Video Course
- Dr TLA+
- TLA+ Community Meeting 2018
- TLA+ conf 2019
- Debugging software designs using testable pseudo-code (TLA+)
- The practice and Theory of TLA+
- Tackling Concurrency Bugs with TLA+
- Formal verification applied
- Thinking Above the Code
- Building confidence in concurrent code with a model checker (aka TLA+ for programmers)
- Model Checking TLA+ Specifications
- Verifying Safety Properties with the TLA+ Proof System
- TLA+ model checking made symbolic
- The TLA+ Toolbox
- eXtreme Modelling in Practice
- Specifying and Model Checking Workflows of Single Page Applications with TLA+
- EECS4315 Mission-Critical Systems (Winter 2023 - Section Z)
- SUNY Buffalo: CSE 4/586 Distributed Systems (Notes)
- Portland State: CS410/510 Practical Specification and Verification
- University of Wellington: SWEN421 - Formal Software Engineering
- Bordeaux INP: IF311 Formal Software Design
- TU Kaiserslautern: Programming Distributed Systems
- University of Iowa: CS5620f15 Distributed Systems and Algorithms
- University of Tartu: Systems Modelling
- University of Colorado: Distributed Systems Verification
- University of California, San Diego: CSE 128 Spring 2005 Concurrency