gpxgo is a golang library for parsing and manipulating GPX files. GPX (GPS eXchange Format) is a XML based file format for GPS track logs.
import (
gpxBytes := ...
gpxFile, err := gpx.ParseBytes(gpxBytes)
if err != nil {
// Analyize/manipulate your track data here...
for _, track := range gpxFile.Tracks {
for _, segment := range track.Segments {
for _, point := range segment.Points {
// (Check the API for GPX manipulation and analyzing utility methods)
// When ready, you can write the resulting GPX file:
xmlBytes, err := gpxFile.ToXml(gpx.ToXmlParams{Version: "1.1", Indent: true})
Gpxgo can read/write both GPX 1.0 and GPX 1.1 files.
GPX extensions support is experimental from v1.1.0 on.
is a command line utility for writing basic stats from gpx files:
$ go run gpxinfo.go test_files/Mojstrovka.gpx
File: /Users/puzz/golang/src/
GPX name:
GPX desctiption:
GPX version: 1.0
Global stats:
Points: 184
Length 2D: 2.6958067369682577
Length 3D: 3.00439590990862
Bounds: 46.430350, 46.435641, 13.738842, 13.748333
Moving time: 0
Stopped time: 0
Max speed: 0.000000m/s = 0.000000km/h
Total uphill: 446.4893280000001
Total downhill: 417.65524800000026
Started: 1901-12-13 20:45:52 +0000 UTC
Ended: 1901-12-13 20:45:52 +0000 UTC
Track #1:
Points: 184
Length 2D: 2.6958067369682577
Length 3D: 3.00439590990862
Bounds: 46.430350, 46.435641, 13.738842, 13.748333
Moving time: 0
Stopped time: 0
Max speed: 0.000000m/s = 0.000000km/h
Total uphill: 446.4893280000001
Gpxgo is based on:
- (python gpx library)
- (an earlier port of gpxpy)
gpxgo is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0