Releases: tknaller/openhab-addons
Releases · tknaller/openhab-addons
- Skoda-E carMoving now really correct
- put WeConnect & Skoda-E Channels in Groups
still not fully working:
- CarNet Commands
- Multiple Vehicles under same Account
- fixed skoda-e token refresh
- carMoving probably not working; cannot test because enyaq is at the dealer for the battery recall
- fixed skoda-e position
- fixed skoda-e car moving
- hopefully fixed skoda-e token refresh
- better error messages with skoda-e
- vw id status from cariad api working fully
- still not working: multiple cars under one account
- still not working: vw id controls (climater, heating, charge)
- hopefully fixed "car moving" with carnet"
- added "car moving" with skoda-e
- hopefully fixed auth-timeout (binding-does-nothing-until-restart-issue) for skoda-e (seems like "vehicle in motion" for parking-position carshed everything - which is now handled)
possibly fix CarNet CarFinder
Add lot of Trace Logging to CarFinder
Updated to new VW Url instead of
Stuff with "--> OK" is working again and thing goes online.
Rest is still missing as I currently don't have access to an account with an ID vehicle.
* public WCAccessStatus accessStatus; ---> OK
* public WCBatteryStatus batteryStatus;
* public WCLVBatteryStatus lvBatteryStatus;
* public WCChargingStatus chargingStatus;
* public WCChargingSettings chargingSettings;
* public WCChargeMode chargeMode;
* public WCPlugStatus plugStatus;
* public WCClimatisationStatus climatisationStatus;
* public WCClimatisationSettings climatisationSettings;
* public WCClimatisationTimer climatisationTimer;
* public WCWindowHeatingStatus windowHeatingStatus;
* public WCLightStatus lightStatus; ---> OK
* public WCRangeStatus rangeStatus; ---> OK
* public WCCapabilityStatus capabilityStatus; ---> OK
* public WCMaintenanceStatus maintenanceStatus; ---> OK
* public String error;
- Remove VW Image URLs as they no longer work
- rebase repository to openhab/3.4.x (3.4.2)
New Channels for ME3.0 of Skoda Enyaq. First release, only stationary testing, changes to windows, lights, doors need testing.
Snapshot 20220225
fix control api fix climater command fix control api Signed-off-by: Thomas Knaller <[email protected]>