- Commence : 09:00 AM
- Tea Break : 10:30 AM (20 mins)
- Lunch Break : 12:30 PM (1 hr)
- Tea Break : 03:00 PM (20 mins)
- Wind up : 05:00 PM
- No powerpoint presentation
- Discuss & Code
- No dedicated time for Q&A
- Programming Constructs
- Higher Order Functions
- Error Handling
- Panic & Recovery
- Structs & Methods
- Struct Composition
- Interfaces
- Modules & Packages
- Concurrency (Optional)
- Go tools
- Any editor (Visual Studio Code)
- Docker Desktop (Optional)
- Higher Order Functions
- Interfaces
- Struct Composition
- Deferred Functions
- Panic & Recovery
- Assign functions to variables
- Pass functions as arguments
- Return a function as a return value
- Ability to have more than one execution path
- Typically achieved using OS Threads
- Concurrent operations are represented as "goroutines"
- goroutines are cheap (~4KB)
- Builtin scheduler
- Go scheduler schedules the goroutine executions through the OS threads
- Concurrency support is built in the language itself
- go keyword, channel data type, channel operator ( <- ), for-range, select-case
- APIs support
- "sync" package
- "sync/atomic" package
- semaphore based counter
- has the capability to block the execution of the current function until the counter becomes 0
go run --race [filename.go]
go build --race [filename.go]
var [var_name] chan [data_type]
// ex:
var ch chan int
[var_name] = make(chan [data_type])
// ex:
ch = make(chan int)
ch := make(chan int)
- using the channel operator ( <- )
[channel_var_name] <- [data]
// ex:
ch <- 100
// ex:
data := <-ch
- "Receive" operation is ALWAYS a blocking operation
- A "Send" operation is blocked until a "Receive" operation a initiated (conditional)
- API for "cancellation" propagation
- context.Background() (used to create the top-most context and this is non-cancellable)
- Context creation apis
- context.WithCancel()
- programmatic cancellation
- context.WithTimeout()
- Will automatically do cancellation based on the elapsed time
- Wrapper for context.WithDeadline()
- context.WithDeadline()
- Will automatically do cancellation based on the absolute date & time
- context.WithValue()
- Used to share data through context hierarchy
- Does not offer cancellation functionality
- context.WithCancel()
- Both http client & server apis
- Alternative to HTTP based restful services
- Optimal for micro-services communication
- Communication Patterns
- Request & Response
- Server Streaming (one request & stream of responses)
- Client Streaming (stream of requests & one response)
- Bidirectional Streaming (stream of requests & stream of responses)
- Use HTTP2
- Uses Protocol Buffers for serializing payloads
- Protocol Buffers Reference
- Share the schema among the consumers and producers in advance
- Multi-language supports
- Go
- Java
- .NET
- Node.js
- Python
- Create "Service / Operation / Data" contracts using protocol buffers
- Share the schema between the server & client
- Generate the proxy & stub using the schema client -> proxy -> stub -> service
- Implement & Host the server
- Use the proxy to communicate to the server
1. Protocol Buffers Compiler (protoc tool)
Download the file, extract and keep in a folder (PATH) accessble through the command line
brew install protobuf
protoc --version
2. Go plugins (installed in the GOPATH/bin folder)
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/[email protected]
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/[email protected]
- gotest - https://github.com/rakyll/gotest
- mockery - https://vektra.github.io/mockery/latest/
- testify - https://github.com/stretchr/testify
- go test ./... -v
go test -run=^$ -bench=. ./... -cpu=1,2,4,8 -benchmem
go test -run=^$ -bench=. ./... -cpuprofile=cpu.prof -cpu=1,2,4,8 -benchmem
go test -run=^$ -bench=. ./... -memprofile=mem.prof -cpu=1,2,4,8 -benchmem
go tool pprof <profile_file>
- top10
- list <function_name>
- web