This is an Android Layout Library provides Release Action after pulling view. User interface is similar to chrisbanes/Android-PullToRefresh. The mechanism to judge scroller is similar to SwipeRefreshLayout. And the implementation is based on FlyingLayout.
You just wrap a target View or Layout in ReleaseActionLayout and setup listeners and indicator views. Then it'll fire actions when you release your finger after pulling the target view.
- Supports eight directions.
- four orthogonal directions and their combinations (diagonal).
- Action is cancelable unlike SwipeRefreshLayout.
- Customizable indicator view.
- SimpleReleaseActionLayout prepares minimum indicator views.
- Only one change your layout hierarchy: wraps a target View in ReleaseActionLayout.
- Works with views having correctly View#canScrollHorizontally/Vertically.
- Or make custom layout overrides ReleaseActionLayout#canChildScrollHorizontally/Vertically.
- Example application includes:
- ListView
- ViewPager
- WebView
- Strange Features:
- When one direction indicator appears by swipe, you can also use another direction-actions by continuous swiping like a gesture.
- and more...
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