Many users will hold open web pages on the browser long time and to hold they in the mind also. There has been same kind of web application on some server earlier. A next application has same kind of meaning. Copy a web address in a browser and paste (cntl+v) it into this application, still focus before on table to be sure. And the application is adding web address on the list.
This is a JavaFx application for get pasted web adress into the list and a user home file. Before it, the app is reading keywords and title to store in the row. You can management all data rows above the list. It is checking, that same web address will not pasted twice. You can sort and search user table by different criteria from data rows or globally. You can set bookmarks on and off per a row. A sorting table is done by mouse clicking on a table column header once or twice.
By doube click a list row, a page will be shown below web view component. And a selected web address row will open within the default browser, when you are pressing "open in browser" button.
A user data file(s) will be saved under $USER/.javawebaddressfx/... The application will use java user home environment varialbe value to store.