I am a human that likes to write programs.
I don't mind writing programs for the
frontend or for the backend (or the
in-between). Recently I have been writing
mostly in python, I have been writing C#
in my sleep. I also write some TypeScript
(JavaScript ???). For some reason I always
get asked about CSS (even when I am neck
deep in backend code), I guess I might be
slightly better with CSS than the average
developer, and I don't mind helping! As
they say: in the land of the blind, the
one-eyed man is king.
You pronounce my name like a Chart 🗺️, Pie Chaart.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on python projects at Wave, specifically the receipts product and the accounting product. I also have some personal side projects written in C#.
- 📫 How to reach me:
- If you have a fantastic job offer I can't refuse you can reach me on LinkedIn
- I publish some stuff on substack - I am the author of The curious case of the missing period incase you want to read about a obscure bug I once solved.