Simple React router with a small footprint for modern browsers. The lib is not replacement for react-router, just a smaller simpler alternative.
See path-to-regexp for matching pattern rules and options. Check encode and decode if you need it.
Router size limited to 1.8 KB (all deps, minified and gzipped).
yarn add react-enroute
npm install react-enroute
No nesting:
<Router location='/pets/42'>
<Users path='/users'/>
<User path='/users/:id'/>
<Pets path='/pets'/>
<Pet path='/pets/:id'/>
<NotFound path='(.*)'/>
Nesting and options:
const RouterOptions = {decode: decodeURIComponent}
<Router location='/users/caf%C3%A9' options={RouterOptions}>
<Main/> // '/'
<Users path='/users'>
<AllUsers/> // '/users'
<User path=':id'/> // '/users/:id'
<Pets path='/pets'>
<Pet path=':id'/>
<MyPets path='/my-pets'/> // absolute path
<NotFound path='(.*)'/>
Following route with the same full path overrides previous. Matching goes from top to bottom, so more general rules coming first take precedence. You should put more concrete rules above catch-all.
Right order:
<Mike path='mike'/>
<OtherPerson path=':name'/>
<NotFound path='(.*)'/>
Not found page (404) should be the last.
Paths may not start with /
, the name-based syntax is ok:
<Router location='pets'>
<Index/> // use '' or '/' for index location
<Users path='users'/>
<Pets path='pets'/>
Generate location based on a path and params.
genLocation('/users/:id', {id: '42'}) // => '/users/42'
loc('/pets/:id', {id: '123'}) // => '/pets/123'
Check if location matches path.
isPath('/users/:id', '/users/42') // => true
Search path by location.
findPath(['/users', '/users/:id'], '/users/42')
/* => {
path: '/users/:id',
params: {id: '42'},
} */
Search over object whose keys are paths.
'/users': UserListToolbar,
'/users/:id': UserToolbar,
}, '/users/42')
/* => {
path: '/users/:id',
value: UserToolbar,
params: {id: '42'},
} */ · GitHub @tj · Twitter @tjholowaychuk