Tonemapper is a an application to compare and apply various tone mapping operators...
... either via an interactive GUI:
... or via the command line interface:
# Example: apply the "Reinhard" operator with gamma=2.2 to a list of input images
./tonemapper --no-gui --operator reinhard --gamma 2.2 <images>
- Input:
- Output:
- Gamma: Standard gamma correction only
- sRGB: Conversion to sRGB color space
- Clampling
- Maximum division
- Mean value
- Exponential
- Exponentiation
- Logarithmic
- Tumblin Rushmeier: From "Tone Reproduction for Realistic Images" by by Tumblin and Rushmeier 1993
- Schlick: From "Quantization Techniques for Visualization of High Dynamic Range Pictures" by Schlick 1994
- Ward: From "A contrast-based scalefactor for luminance display" by Ward 1994
- Ferwerda: From "A Model of Visual Adaptation for Realistic Image Synthesis" by Ferwerda et al. 1996
- Durand Dorsey: From "Interactive Tone Mapping" by Durand and Dorsey 2000
- Reinhard: From "Photographic Tone Reproduction For Digital Images" by Reinhard et al. 2002
- Reinhard (Extended): From "Photographic Tone Reproduction For Digital Images" by Reinhard et al. 2002
- Drago: From "Adaptive Logarithmic Mapping For Displaying High Contrast Scenes" by Drago et al. 2003
- Reinhard Devlin: From "Dynamic Range Reduction Inspired by Photoreceptor Physiology" by Reinhard and Devlin 2005
- Hejl Burgess-Dawson Filmic: By Jim Hejl and Richard Burgess-Dawson presented in the "Filmic Tonemapping for Real-time Rendering" SIGGRAPH 2010 course by Haarm-Pieter Duiker
- Aldridge Filmic: From the "Approximating Film with Tonemapping" blog post by Graham Aldridge
- Hable Filmic: By John Hable presented in the "Filmic Tonemapping for Real-time Rendering" SIGGRAPH 2010 course by Haarm-Pieter Duiker
- Hable (Updated) Filmic: From the "Filmic Tonemapping with Piecewise Power Curves" blog post by John Hable.
- Lottes Filmic: From the "Advanced Techniques and Optimization of HDR Color Pipelines" GDC talk by Timothy Lottes
- Day Filmic: From the "An efficient and user-friendly tone mapping operator" document by Mike Day
- Uchimura Filmic: From the "HDR Theory and Practice" CEDEC talk by Hajime Uchimura
- Hill ACES: ACES curve fit by Stephen Hill
- Narkowicz ACES: ACES curve fit by Krzysztof Narkowicz
- Guy ACES: ACES curve fit by Romain Guy
- Response function data file: Data-driven curves from external files, e.g. the "DoRF" project from "What is the Space of Camera Response Functions?" by Grossberg and Nayar 2003
Clone the repository recursively all dependencies and use CMake to generate project files for your favourite IDE or build system.
# Unix example using make:
git clone --recursive
cd tonemapper
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Optionally, the compilation of the GUI can be disabled via a CMake option:
The following external libraries are used:
This project is based on an older, now outdated version that is archived under the version_1
Tonemapper is provided under the MIT License.
See the LICENSE.txt file for the conditions of the license.