Stanford's Bunny written in OpenGL
实验的原始数据为斯坦福大学的Bunny (./bunny_new/bunny_iH.ply2)
兔子项目的全部代码在 ./bunny_new 文件夹下
English version
The original data of the experiment is the Bunny data from Stanford University (./bunny_new/bunny_iH.ply2)
The codes for Bunny are in the ./bunny_new folder.
In other folders, there are the source code I collected when I learned OpenGL with the tutorial (mentioned later). They are also complete projects compiled successfully. Post for readers' reference.
- glfw 3.2.1
- glew or glad
- SOIL or stb_image.h
- glm
(Note: The header files mentioned above can be found under ./Include )
run the
under ./Bunny_new
$ bash
OpenGL Chinese Tutorial (new)
Corresponding to all folders with "_new" suffix under this repository
OpenGL Chinese Tutorial
Corresponding to all folders without "_new" suffix under this repository
Mr.Yuan's Github bunny
Thanks for Mr.Yuan's generous guidance, I borrowed some of his ideas.
by Tina