React component to create and render thumbnails of TIFF format images within a web browser.
Browser support for rendering TIFF format images is extremely poor:
This project provides a react component that leverages tiff.js to create a cross browser solution for rendering TIFF format images within the web browser.
Internally the component:
- takes TIFF image data as a base64 encoded string and converts it to an arraybuffer such that it can be consumed by the tiff.js library
- invokes tiff.js with the arraybuffer to create a canvas object
- invokes the toDataURL method on the canvas object to create a data URI containing a PNG format representation of the image
- creates an image tag with src set to be the dataURL
<Tiffnail bytes={bytes}/>
Where bytes is a base64 encoded string holding the tiff image data. Please refer to the example directory for a complete working example react app that uses this component.
After you have cloned the repository run the following commands in the root of the project:
npm i
npm run build
npm link
Then in the example directory run the following commands:
npm link tiffnail-and-i
npm start