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Merge pull request #1 from timholy/teh/implementation
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Partial implemention of general API and SparseMatrixCSC iterators
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timholy committed Apr 11, 2016
2 parents fd591a3 + 5d1f592 commit 37af491
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This repository doesn't include any/much working code: it's designed as a place to deposit experiments related to generalizing Julia's array iteration API. An issue for general discussion can be found over at

At the time of this writing, this includes attempts at writing a few functions in one or more candidate APIs. If you can "name" your API proposal, consider including that in the file name.
This repository was designed as a place to deposit experiments related to generalizing Julia's array iteration API. An issue for general discussion can be found over at Initial commits tested what it would "feel like" to write code in various APIs. At present, is slowly beginning to accumulate working code.
63 changes: 62 additions & 1 deletion src/ArrayIterationPlayground.jl
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module ArrayIterationPlayground

# package code goes here
using Base: ViewIndex
import Base: getindex, setindex!, start, next, done, eachindex

export inds, index, stored, each

# General API

inds(A::AbstractArray, d) = 1:size(A, d)
inds{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}) = ntuple(d->inds(A,d), Val{N})

immutable ValueIterator{I}
start(iter::ValueIterator) = start(iter.iter)
done(iter::ValueIterator, s) = done(iter.iter, s)
next(iter::ValueIterator, s) = ((item, s) = next(iter.iter, s); (value(iter.iter, item), s))

eachindex(x...) = each(index(x...))

# isindex == true => want the indexes (keys) of the array
# isindex == false => want the values of the array
# isstored == true => visit only stored entries
# isstored == false => visit all indexes
immutable ArrayIndexingWrapper{A, I<:Tuple{Vararg{ViewIndex}}, isindex, isstored}

index{A,I,isindex,isstored}(w::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,isindex,isstored}) = ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,true,isstored}(, w.indexes)
stored{A,I,isindex,isstored}(w::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,isindex,isstored}) = ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,isindex,true}(, w.indexes)

allindexes{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}) = ntuple(d->Colon(),Val{N})

index(A::AbstractArray) = index(A, allindexes(A))
index(A::AbstractArray, I::ViewIndex...) = index(A, I)
index{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, indexes::NTuple{N,ViewIndex}) = ArrayIndexingWrapper{typeof(A),typeof(indexes),true,false}(A, indexes)

stored(A::AbstractArray) = stored(A, allindexes(A))
stored(A::AbstractArray, I::ViewIndex...) = stored(A, I)
stored{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, indexes::NTuple{N,ViewIndex}) = ArrayIndexingWrapper{typeof(A),typeof(indexes),false,true}(A, indexes)

each(A::AbstractArray, indexes...) = ValueIterator(each(index(A, indexes)))

immutable SyncedIterator{I,F<:Tuple{Vararg{Function}}}

start(iter::SyncedIterator) = start(iter.iter)
next(iter::SyncedIterator, state) = mapf(iter.itemfuns, state), next(iter.iter, state)
done(iter::SyncedIterator, state) = done(iter.iter, state)

`mapf(fs, x)` is similar to `map`, except instead of mapping one
function over many objects, it maps many functions over one
object. `fs` should be a tuple-of-functions.
@inline mapf(fs::Tuple, x) = _mapf((), x, fs...)
_mapf(out, x) = out
@inline _mapf(out, x, f, fs...) = _mapf((out..., f(x)), x, fs...)


end # module
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions src/sparse.jl
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### Sparse-array iterators

## SparseMatrixCSC

typealias SubSparseMatrixCSC{I,T,N,P<:SparseMatrixCSC} SubArray{T,N,P,I,false}
typealias ContiguousCSC{I<:Tuple{Union{Colon,UnitRange{Int}},Any},T,N,P<:SparseMatrixCSC} Union{P,SubSparseMatrixCSC{I,T,N,P}}

indextype{Tv,Ti}(::Type{SparseMatrixCSC{Tv,Ti}}) = Ti
indextype(A::SparseMatrixCSC) = indextype(typeof(A))

# Indexing along a particular column
immutable ColIndexCSC
row::Int # where you are currently (might not be stored)
stored::Bool # true if this represents a stored value
cscindex::Int # for stored value, the index into rowval & nzval

@inline getindex(A::SparseMatrixCSC, i::ColIndexCSC, j::Integer) = (@inbounds ret = i.stored ? A.nzval[i.cscindex] : zero(eltype(A)); ret)
@inline getindex(A::SubSparseMatrixCSC, i::ColIndexCSC, j::Integer) = A.parent[i, j]
# @inline function getindex(a::AbstractVector, i::ColIndexCSC)
# @boundscheck 1 <= i.rowval <= length(a)
# @inbounds ret = a[i.rowval]
# ret
# end

@inline setindex!(A::SparseMatrixCSC, val, i::ColIndexCSC, j::Integer) = (@inbounds A.nzval[i.cscindex] = val; val)
@inline setindex!(A::SubSparseMatrixCSC, val, i::ColIndexCSC, j::Integer) = A.parent[i,j] = val
# @inline function setindex!(a::AbstractVector, val, i::ColIndexCSC)
# @boundscheck 1 <= i.rowval <= length(a) || throw(BoundsError(a, i.rowval))
# @inbounds a[i.rowval] = val
# val
# end

immutable ColIteratorCSC{isstored,S<:ContiguousCSC}

function ColIteratorCSC(A::SparseMatrixCSC, ::Colon, col::Integer)
@boundscheck 1 <= col <= size(A, 2) || throw(BoundsError(A, (:,col)))
@inbounds r = A.colptr[col]:A.colptr[col+1]-1
new(A, col, r)
function ColIteratorCSC{I<:Tuple{Colon,Any}}(A::SubSparseMatrixCSC{I}, ::Colon, col::Integer)
@boundscheck 1 <= col <= size(A, 2) || throw(BoundsError(A, (:,col)))
@inbounds j = A.indexes[2][col]
@inbounds r = A.parent.colptr[j]:A.parent.colptr[j+1]-1
new(A, col, r)
function ColIteratorCSC{I<:Tuple{UnitRange{Int},Any}}(A::SubSparseMatrixCSC{I}, ::Colon, col::Integer)
@boundscheck 1 <= col <= size(A, 2) || throw(BoundsError(A, (:,col)))
@inbounds j = A.indexes[2][col]
@inbounds r1, r2 = Int(A.parent.colptr[j]), Int(A.parent.colptr[j+1]-1)
rowval = A.parent.rowval
i = A.indexes[1]
r1 = searchsortedfirst(rowval, first(i), r1, r2, Forward)
r1 <= r2 && (r2 = searchsortedlast(rowval, last(i), r1, r2, Forward))
new(A, col, r1:r2)
function ColIteratorCSC(A::SparseMatrixCSC, i::UnitRange, col::Integer)
@boundscheck 1 <= col <= size(A, 2) || throw(BoundsError(A, (i,col)))
@boundscheck (1 <= first(i) && last(i) <= size(A, 1)) || throw(BoundsError(A, (i,col)))
@inbounds r1, r2 = Int(A.parent.colptr[j]), Int(A.parent.colptr[j+1]-1)
rowval = A.parent.rowval
r1 = searchsortedfirst(rowval, first(i), r1, r2, Forward)
r1 <= r2 && (r2 = searchsortedlast(rowval, last(i), r1, r2, Forward))
new(A, col, r1:r2)
# Default is to visit each site, not just the stored sites
ColIteratorCSC(A::ContiguousCSC, i, col::Integer) = ColIteratorCSC{false,typeof(A)}(A, i, col)
# Choose with ColIteratorCSC{true/false}(A, col)
(::Type{ColIteratorCSC{E}}){E}(A::ContiguousCSC, i, col::Integer) = ColIteratorCSC{E,typeof(A)}(A, i, col)

# Iteration when you're visiting every entry
# The iterator state has the following structure:
# (row::Int, nextrowval::Ti<:Integer, cscindex::Int)
# nextrowval = A.rowval[cscindex], but we cache it in the state to
# avoid looking it up each time. We use it to decide when the cscindex
# needs to be incremented.
length(iter::ColIteratorCSC{false}) = size(iter.A, 1)
function start(iter::ColIteratorCSC{false})
cscindex = start(iter.cscrange)
nextrowval = _nextrowval(iter, cscindex)
(1, nextrowval, cscindex)
done(iter::ColIteratorCSC{false}, s) = s[1] > size(iter.A, 1)
function next{S<:SparseMatrixCSC}(iter::ColIteratorCSC{false,S}, s)
row, nextrowval, cscindex = s
item = ColIndexCSC(row, row==nextrowval, cscindex)
item.stored ? (item, (row+1, _nextrowval(iter, cscindex+1), cscindex+1)) :
(item, (row+1, nextrowval, cscindex))
_nextrowval(iter::ColIteratorCSC, cscindex) = cscindex <= last(iter.cscrange) ? iter.A.rowval[cscindex] : convert(indextype(iter.A), size(iter.A, 1)+1)

length(iter::ColIteratorCSC{true}) = length(iter.cscrange)
start(iter::ColIteratorCSC{true}) = start(iter.cscrange)
done(iter::ColIteratorCSC{true}, s) = done(iter.cscrange, s)
next{S<:SparseMatrixCSC}(iter::ColIteratorCSC{true,S}, s) = (@inbounds row = iter.A.rowval[s]; idx = ColIndexCSC(row, true, s); (idx, s+1))
next{S<:SubSparseMatrixCSC}(iter::ColIteratorCSC{true,S}, s) = (@inbounds row = iter.A.parent.rowval[s]; idx = ColIndexCSC(row, true, s); (idx, s+1))

value(iter::ColIteratorCSC, i) = iter.A[i, iter.col]

# nextstored{S<:SparseMatrixCSC}(iter::ColIteratorCSC{S}, s, index::Integer) =

each{A<:SparseMatrixCSC,I}(w::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,true,false}) = ColIteratorCSC{false}(, w.indexes...)
each{A<:SparseMatrixCSC,I}(w::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,true,true}) = ColIteratorCSC{true}(, w.indexes...)
each{A<:SparseMatrixCSC,I}(w::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,false}) = ValueIterator(ColIteratorCSC{true}(, w.indexes...))
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions test/runtests.jl
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using ArrayIterationPlayground
using Base.Test

# write your own tests here
@test 1 == 1
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions test/sparse.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
A = sparse([1,4,3],[1,1,2],[0.2,0.4,0.6])
Af = full(A)

k = 0
for j = 1:2
for i in eachindex(stored(A, :, j))
@test A[i,j] == A.nzval[k+=1]

k = 0
for j = 1:2
for v in each(stored(A, :, j))
@test v == A.nzval[k+=1]

k = 0
for j = 1:2
for i in each(index(A, :, j))
@test A[i,j] == Af[k+=1]

k = 0
for j = 1:2
for v in each(A, :, j)
@test v == Af[k+=1]

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