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Basic sync implementation; handle PermutedDimsArrays and OffsetArrays
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timholy committed Apr 24, 2016
1 parent 024273a commit 136ee0c
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Showing 7 changed files with 270 additions and 116 deletions.
122 changes: 6 additions & 116 deletions src/ArrayIterationPlayground.jl
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@@ -1,123 +1,13 @@
module ArrayIterationPlayground

using Base: ViewIndex
import Base: getindex, setindex!, start, next, done, length, eachindex, show
import Base: getindex, setindex!, start, next, done, length, eachindex, show, parent
using Base: ReshapedArray, linearindexing, LinearFast, LinearSlow
using Base.PermutedDimsArrays: PermutedDimsArray

export inds, index, stored, each

# General API

inds(A::AbstractArray, d) = 1:size(A, d)
inds{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}) = ntuple(d->inds(A,d), Val{N})

eachindex(x...) = each(index(x...))

# isindex == true => want the indexes (keys) of the array
# isindex == false => want the values of the array
# isstored == true => visit only stored entries
# isstored == false => visit all indexes
immutable ArrayIndexingWrapper{A, I<:Tuple{Vararg{ViewIndex}}, isindex, isstored}
show(io::IO, W::ArrayIndexingWrapper) = print(io, "iteration hint over ", hint_string(W), " of a ", summary(, " over the region ", W.indexes)
hint_string{A,I}(::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,false,false}) = "values"
hint_string{A,I}(::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,true,false}) = "indexes"
hint_string{A,I}(::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,false,true}) = "stored values"
hint_string{A,I}(::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,true,true}) = "indexes of stored values"

`index(A, indexes...)`
`index` creates an "iteration hint" that records the region of `A`
that you wish to iterate over. The iterator will return the indexes,
rather than values, of `A`. "iteration hints" are not iterables; to
create an iterator from a hint, call `each` on the resulting object.
In contrast to `eachindex` iteration over a subarray of `A`, the
indexes are for `A` itself.
See also: `stored`, `each`.
index{A,I,isindex,isstored}(w::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,isindex,isstored}) = ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,true,isstored}(, w.indexes)

`stored(A, indexes...)`
`stored` creates an "iteration hint" that records the region of `A`
that you wish to iterate over. The iterator will return just the
stored values of `A`. "iteration hints" are not iterables; to create
an iterator from a hint, call `each` on the resulting object.
See also: `index`, `each`.
stored{A,I,isindex,isstored}(w::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,isindex,isstored}) = ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,isindex,true}(, w.indexes)

allindexes{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}) = ntuple(d->Colon(),Val{N})

index(A::AbstractArray) = index(A, allindexes(A))
index(A::AbstractArray, I::ViewIndex...) = index(A, I)
index{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, indexes::NTuple{N,ViewIndex}) = ArrayIndexingWrapper{typeof(A),typeof(indexes),true,false}(A, indexes)

stored(A::AbstractArray) = stored(A, allindexes(A))
stored(A::AbstractArray, I::ViewIndex...) = stored(A, I)
stored{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, indexes::NTuple{N,ViewIndex}) = ArrayIndexingWrapper{typeof(A),typeof(indexes),false,true}(A, indexes)

`each(iterhint, indexes...)`
`each` instantiates the iterator associated with `iterhint`. In
conjunction with `index` and `stored`, you may choose to iterate over
either indexes or values, as well as choosing whether to iterate over
all elements or just the stored elements.
each(A::AbstractArray) = each(A, allindexes(A))
each(A::AbstractArray, indexes::ViewIndex...) = each(A, indexes)
each{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, indexes::NTuple{N,ViewIndex}) = each(ArrayIndexingWrapper{typeof(A),typeof(indexes),false,false}(A, indexes))

# Internal type for storing instantiated index iterators but returning
# array values
immutable ValueIterator{A<:AbstractArray,I}

# Fallback definitions for each
each{A,I,isstored}(W::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,false,isstored}) = (itr = each(index(W)); ValueIterator{A,typeof(itr)}(, itr))
each{A,N,isstored}(W::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,NTuple{N,Colon},true,isstored}) = eachindex(
each{A,I,isstored}(W::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,true,isstored}) = CartesianRange(ranges(W))

start(vi::ValueIterator) = start(vi.iter)
done(vi::ValueIterator, s) = done(vi.iter, s)
next(vi::ValueIterator, s) = ((idx, s) = next(vi.iter, s); ([idx], s))

ranges(W) = ranges((),, 1, W.indexes...)
ranges(out, A, d) = out
@inline ranges(out, A, d, i, I...) = ranges((out..., i), A, d+1, I...)
@inline ranges(out, A, d, i::Colon, I...) = ranges((out..., inds(A, d)), A, d+1, I...)

immutable SyncedIterator{I,F<:Tuple{Vararg{Function}}}

start(iter::SyncedIterator) = start(iter.iter)
next(iter::SyncedIterator, state) = mapf(iter.itemfuns, state), next(iter.iter, state)
done(iter::SyncedIterator, state) = done(iter.iter, state)

`mapf(fs, x)` is similar to `map`, except instead of mapping one
function over many objects, it maps many functions over one
object. `fs` should be a tuple-of-functions.
@inline mapf(fs::Tuple, x) = _mapf((), x, fs...)
_mapf(out, x) = out
@inline _mapf(out, x, f, fs...) = _mapf((out..., f(x)), x, fs...)
export inds, index, stored, each, sync


end # module
150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions src/core.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
# General API

inds(A::AbstractArray, d) = 1:size(A, d)
inds{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}) = ntuple(d->inds(A,d), Val{N})

eachindex(x...) = each(index(x...))

function show(io::IO, W::ArrayIndexingWrapper)
print(io, "iteration hint over ", hint_string(W), " of a ", summary(, " over the region ", W.indexes)

parent(W::ArrayIndexingWrapper) =

`index(A, indexes...)`
`index` creates an "iteration hint" that records the region of `A`
that you wish to iterate over. The iterator will return the indexes,
rather than values, of `A`. "iteration hints" are not iterables; to
create an iterator from a hint, call `each` on the resulting object.
In contrast to `eachindex` iteration over a subarray of `A`, the
indexes are for `A` itself.
See also: `stored`, `each`.
index{A,I,isindex,isstored}(w::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,isindex,isstored}) = ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,true,isstored}(, w.indexes)

`stored(A, indexes...)`
`stored` creates an "iteration hint" that records the region of `A`
that you wish to iterate over. The iterator will return just the
stored values of `A`. "iteration hints" are not iterables; to create
an iterator from a hint, call `each` on the resulting object.
See also: `index`, `each`.
stored{A,I,isindex,isstored}(w::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,isindex,isstored}) = ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,isindex,true}(, w.indexes)

allindexes{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}) = ntuple(d->Colon(),Val{N})

index(A::AbstractArray) = index(A, allindexes(A))
index(A::AbstractArray, I::IterIndex...) = index(A, I)
index{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, indexes::NTuple{N,IterIndex}) = ArrayIndexingWrapper{typeof(A),typeof(indexes),true,false}(A, indexes)

stored(A::AbstractArray) = stored(A, allindexes(A))
stored(A::AbstractArray, I::IterIndex...) = stored(A, I)
stored{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, indexes::NTuple{N,IterIndex}) = ArrayIndexingWrapper{typeof(A),typeof(indexes),false,true}(A, indexes)

`each(iterhint, indexes...)`
`each` instantiates the iterator associated with `iterhint`. In
conjunction with `index` and `stored`, you may choose to iterate over
either indexes or values, as well as choosing whether to iterate over
all elements or just the stored elements.
each(A::AbstractArray) = each(A, allindexes(A))
each(A::AbstractArray, indexes::IterIndex...) = each(A, indexes)
each{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, indexes::NTuple{N,IterIndex}) = each(ArrayIndexingWrapper{typeof(A),typeof(indexes),false,false}(A, indexes))

# Fallback definitions for each
each{A,I,isstored}(W::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,false,isstored}) = (itr = each(index(W)); ValueIterator{A,typeof(itr)}(, itr))
each{A,N,isstored}(W::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,NTuple{N,Colon},true,isstored}) = eachindex(
each{A,I,isstored}(W::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,true,isstored}) = CartesianRange(ranges(W))

start(vi::ValueIterator) = start(vi.iter)
done(vi::ValueIterator, s) = done(vi.iter, s)
next(vi::ValueIterator, s) = ((idx, s) = next(vi.iter, s); ([idx], s))

start(iter::SyncedIterator) = start(iter.iter)
next(iter::SyncedIterator, state) = mapf(iter.itemfuns, state), next(iter.iter, state)
done(iter::SyncedIterator, state) = done(iter.iter, state)

start(itr::FirstToLastIterator) = (itr.itr, start(itr.itr))
function next(itr::FirstToLastIterator, i)
idx, s = next(i[1], i[2])
itr.parent[idx], (i[1], s)
done(itr::FirstToLastIterator, i) = done(i[1], i[2])

function sync(A::AllElements, B::AllElements)
check_sameinds(A, B)
_sync(storageorder(A), storageorder(B), A, B)

_sync(::FirstToLast, ::FirstToLast, A, B) = zip(each(A), each(B))
_sync{p}(::OtherOrder{p}, ::OtherOrder{p}, A, B) = zip(each(A), each(B))
_sync(::StorageOrder, ::StorageOrder, A, B) = zip(columnmajoriterator(A), columnmajoriterator(B))

sync(A::StoredElements, B::StoredElements) = sync_stored(A, B)
sync(A, B::StoredElements) = sync_stored(A, B)
sync(A::StoredElements, B) = sync_stored(A, B)

#function sync_stored(A, B)
# check_sameinds(A, B)

### Utility methods

`mapf(fs, x)` is similar to `map`, except instead of mapping one
function over many objects, it maps many functions over one
object. `fs` should be a tuple-of-functions.
@inline mapf(fs::Tuple, x) = _mapf((), x, fs...)
_mapf(out, x) = out
@inline _mapf(out, x, f, fs...) = _mapf((out..., f(x)), x, fs...)

storageorder(::Array) = FirstToLast()
storageorder{T,N,AA,perm}(::PermutedDimsArray{T,N,AA,perm}) = OtherOrder{perm}()
storageorder(A::ReshapedArray) = _so(storageorder(parent(A)))
storageorder(A::AbstractArray) = storageorder(parent(A)) # parent required!

storageorder(W::ArrayIndexingWrapper) = storageorder(parent(W))

_so(o::FirstToLast) = o
_so(::Any) = NoOrder() # reshape + permutedims => undefined

hint_string{A,I}(::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,false,false}) = "values"
hint_string{A,I}(::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,true,false}) = "indexes"
hint_string{A,I}(::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,false,true}) = "stored values"
hint_string{A,I}(::ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,true,true}) = "indexes of stored values"

ranges(W) = ranges((),, 1, W.indexes...)
ranges(out, A, d) = out
@inline ranges(out, A, d, i, I...) = ranges((out..., i), A, d+1, I...)
@inline ranges(out, A, d, i::Colon, I...) = ranges((out..., inds(A, d)), A, d+1, I...)

check_sameinds(::Type{Bool}, A::ArrayOrWrapper, B::ArrayOrWrapper) = extent_inds(A) == extent_inds(B)
check_sameinds(::Type{Bool}, A, B, C...) = check_sameinds(Bool, A, B) && check_sameinds(Bool, B, C...)
check_sameinds(A, B) = check_sameinds(Bool, A, B) || throw(DimensionMismatch("extent inds $(extent_inds(A)) and $(extent_inds(B)) do not match"))
check_sameinds(A, B, C...) = check_sameinds(A, B) && check_sameinds(B, C...)

# extent_inds drops sliced dimensions
extent_inds(A::AbstractArray) = inds(A)
extent_inds(W::ArrayIndexingWrapper) = _extent_inds((),, 1, W.indexes...)
_extent_inds(out, A, d) = out
@inline _extent_inds(out, A, d, ::Int, indexes...) = _extent_inds(out, A, d+1, indexes...)
@inline _extent_inds(out, A, d, i, indexes...) = _extent_inds((out..., inds(A, d)), A, d+1, indexes...)

columnmajoriterator(A::AbstractArray) = columnmajoriterator(linearindexing(A), A)
columnmajoriterator(::LinearFast, A) = A
columnmajoriterator(::LinearSlow, A) = FirstToLastIterator(A, CartesianRange(size(A)))

columnmajoriterator(W::ArrayIndexingWrapper) = CartesianRange(ranges(W))
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions src/types.jl
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typealias IterIndex Union{Int,UnitRange{Int},Colon}

# isindex == true => want the indexes (keys) of the array
# isindex == false => want the values of the array
# isstored == true => visit only stored entries
# isstored == false => visit all indexes
immutable ArrayIndexingWrapper{A, I<:Tuple{Vararg{IterIndex}}, isindex, isstored}

# Internal type for storing instantiated index iterators but returning
# array values
immutable ValueIterator{A<:AbstractArray,I}

immutable SyncedIterator{I,F<:Tuple{Vararg{Function}}}

typealias ArrayOrWrapper Union{AbstractArray,ArrayIndexingWrapper}
typealias AllElements{A,I,isindex} Union{AbstractArray,ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,isindex,false}}
typealias StoredElements{A,I,isindex} ArrayIndexingWrapper{A,I,isindex,true}

# storageorder has to be type-stable because it controls the output of
# sync, which is used in iteration
abstract StorageOrder
immutable FirstToLast <: StorageOrder end
immutable OtherOrder{p} <: StorageOrder end
immutable NoOrder <: StorageOrder end # combination of reshape+permutedims=>undefined

# For iterating over the *values* of an array in column-major order
immutable FirstToLastIterator{N,AA}
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions test/dense.jl
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Expand Up @@ -50,3 +50,31 @@ for j in inds(A, 2)
@test v == A[k+=1]

A = copy(reshape(1:4, 2, 2))
B = Array{Int}(2, 2)
C = PermutedDimsArray(Array{Int}(2, 2), [2,1])

function mycopy!(dest, src)
for (I, s) in sync(index(dest), src)
dest[I] = s

@test mycopy!(B, A) == A
@test mycopy!(C, A) == A
@test C.parent == A'

D = OAs.OA(Array{Int}(2,2), (-1,2))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch mycopy!(D, A)
E = OAs.OA(A, (-1,2))
mycopy!(D, E)
@test D[0,3] == 1
@test D[1,3] == 2
@test D[0,4] == 3
@test D[1,4] == 4
D = OAs.OA(Array{Int}(2,2), (-2,2))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch mycopy!(D, E)
D = OAs.OA(Array{Int}(2,2), (-1,1))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch mycopy!(D, E)
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions test/internal.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
A = rand(3,4)
AIP.check_sameinds(A, A)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch AIP.check_sameinds(A, A')
@test isa(AIP.storageorder(A), AIP.FirstToLast)
R = reshape(A, (2,3,2))
@test isa(AIP.storageorder(R), AIP.FirstToLast)
S = sub(A, 1:3, 1:4)
R = reshape(S, (2,3,2))
@test isa(AIP.storageorder(R), AIP.FirstToLast)
B = PermutedDimsArray(A, [2,1])
@test isa(AIP.storageorder(B), AIP.OtherOrder{(2,1)})
R = reshape(B, (2,2,3))
@test isa(AIP.storageorder(R), AIP.NoOrder)
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions test/offsetarrays.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# A type to test unconventional indexing ranges

module OAs # OffsetArrays

import ArrayIterationPlayground: inds

immutable OA{T,N,AA<:AbstractArray} <: AbstractArray{T,N}

OA{T,N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, offsets::NTuple{N,Int}) = OA{T,N,typeof(A)}(A, offsets)

Base.parent(A::OA) = A.parent
Base.size(A::OA) = size(parent(A))
inds(A::OA, d) = (1:size(parent(A),d))+A.offsets[d]
Base.eachindex(A::OA) = CartesianRange(inds(A))

Base.getindex(A::OA, inds::Int...) = parent(A)[offset(A.offsets, inds)...]
Base.setindex!(A::OA, val, inds::Int...) = parent(A)[offset(A.offsets, inds)...] = val

offset{N}(offsets::NTuple{N,Int}, inds::NTuple{N,Int}) = _offset((), offsets, inds)
_offset(out, ::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}) = out
@inline _offset(out, offsets, inds) = _offset((out..., inds[1]-offsets[1]), Base.tail(offsets), Base.tail(inds))


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