This is a simple helper to enable taking actions based on writer output. Personal use is parsing ffmpeg command-line output for video duration and completion percentage. Use it for all sorts of fun stuff!
go get -u
package main
import (
func main() {
reWriter := regexwriter.RegexWriter{}
// Add one match action
reWriter.AddMatchAction("production", func([][]byte) {
println("We're in production now, baby!")
// Maybe add another!
reWriter.AddMatchAction("(?i)(te)(st)", func(b [][]byte) {
println("Looks like this is a case-insensitive test string!")
println("First part being", string(b[1]), "second part being", string(b[2]))
// Or add an action when something doesn't match? How novel!
reWriter.AddNonMatchAction("production", func(b [][]byte) {
println("This is definitely not a production string!")
println("In fact, here's the string itself:", string(b[0]))
println("**Testing first string**")
reader := strings.NewReader("This is a TEst string")
println("**Testing second string**")
reader = strings.NewReader("This is a production string")
**Testing first string**
Looks like this is a case-insensitive test string!
First part being TE second part being st
This is definitely not a production string!
In fact, here's the string itself: This is a TEst string
**Testing second string**
We're in production now, baby!