This code accompanies the paper "Fine-tuning Deep RL with Gradient-Free Optimization" by Tim de Bruin, Jens Kober, Robert Babuska and karl Tuyls.
Compared to the code that was used to obtain the experimental results, this version has been refactored and simplified. It should allow for reproducing the results, but has not been extensively tested.
The code has been tested with python 3.6+ and tensorflow 1.13.
First install tensorflow and baselines The rest of the dependencies can be installed by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Still from the base directory, add the directory to the python path:
Now, the code can be run with:
python drl_beyond_gradients/
known issue: The following error might be encountered:
/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/", line 127, in <lambda>
shape, dtype=dtype, partition_info=partition_info)
TypeError: __call__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'partition_info'
This seems to be an error in keras and can be fixed by opening the file ( and changing line 127 to:
init_val = lambda: initializer( # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
shape, dtype=dtype)
by removing the partition_info argument.
The experiments use sacred for the settings (and logging, although that has been removed in this simplified version). The available arguments can be seen in
Default arguments can be overwritten (and their values shown) using the following syntax:
python drl_beyond_gradients/ --print_config with 'parameter1=new_value' 'parameter2="new string value"
To reproduce the experiments from the paper use (variations on) the following commands:
python drl_beyond_gradients/ --print_config with 'cma_es_start_time=2500' 'cma_es_start_exploration=0.25' 'param_grad_clip=10.' 'policy_head=True' 'benchmark="gym_car_racing_discrete"' 'duration=10000' 'sgd_warm_start_duration=200' 'network="DQN"' 'layer_and_batch_norm=True' 'l2_param_penalty=0.01' 'exploration_type="parameter_noise"' 'initial_exploration=0.10' 'final_exploration=0.10' 'plappert_distance=False' 'normalize_reward=False' 'batch_size=32' 'optimizer="adam"' 'adam_epsilon=1e-4' 'learning_rate=1e-4' 'buffer_size=1000000' 'gamma=0.99' 'srl_vf = 1.0' 'srl_ae=0.' 'srl_rp=0' 'srl_fd=0' 'srl_id=0' 'cma_es_start_from="best"' 'eg_action_repeat=0'
python drl_beyond_gradients/ --print_config with 'benchmark="atari_enduro"' 'cma_es_start_exploration=0.5' 'param_grad_clip=10.' 'policy_head=True' 'duration=250000000' 'sgd_warm_start_duration=50000' 'network="DQN"' 'layer_and_batch_norm=True' 'l2_param_penalty=0.01' 'exploration_type="parameter_noise"' 'initial_exploration=0.10' 'final_exploration=0.10' 'plappert_distance=False' 'normalize_reward=False' 'batch_size=32' 'optimizer="adam"' 'adam_epsilon=1e-4' 'learning_rate=1e-4' 'buffer_size=1000000' 'gamma=0.99' 'srl_vf = 1.0' 'srl_ae=0.' 'srl_rp=0.' 'srl_fd=0.' 'srl_id=0.' 'cma_es_start_from="best"' 'cma_es_start_time=40000000' 'eg_action_repeat=0'
python drl_beyond_gradients/ --print_config with 'cma_es_start_time=50' 'cma_es_start_exploration=0.50' 'cma_es_start_from="best"' 'cmaes_save_params=False' 'learning_rate=1e-3' 'benchmark="magman"' 'duration=2000' 'network="DDPG"' 'initial_exploration=0.2' 'final_exploration=0.2' 'sgd_warm_start_duration=1' 'batch_size=64' 'buffer_size=100000' 'gamma=0.95' 'param_grad_clip=10' 'srl_ae=0.' 'srl_rp=0.' 'srl_fd=0.' 'srl_id=0.' 'reward_type="ABSOLUTE"'