Check the documentation added in:
ansible burp2_server deploy and maintenance role.
This roles builds burp version specified on defaults/main.yml. Also configures it to get it working and maintained in a centralized way.
Install the role on the system:
$ ansible-galaxy install CoffeeITWorks.burp2_server
Checkout more info at:
We have an inventory and a playbook to call the roles, but we must customize the variables before running the playbook.
Here we will organize the variables files into the group_vars
mkdir -p group_vars/burp2_servers
Inside it you can add a file with the name of the group or the host where you want to add specific options of this role.
example file group_vars/burp2_servers/burp2_server_vars
Options vars:
burp_module_agent: true # Will add buiagent and configure it properly to use on burpui-multiagent mode.
burp_module_restore: true # Will configure a second burp server with same spool, useful to configure one restore_client to get restores faster on large deployments.
Check also all vars in defaults/main.yml
you can override any default using your host/group_vars
burp_module_agent: true
# You can also change the password:
burp_agent_global_password: "password"
Burp Restore is another burp daemon with the unique purpose to have possibility to restore when backups reach max_children This was created before 2.1.10 added port per operation support and will be deprecated once burp 2.1 becomes stable
burp_module_restore: true
burp_manual_delete_enabled: true
burp_server_autoupgrade_enabled: true
Since version 2.1.10
- Add the ability for the client to connect to different server ports
according to whether it is doing backup/restore/verify/list/delete. These ports are based on: CoffeeITWorks#11 Compatible since burp 2.1.10
burp_server_port_per_operation_bool: true
# Default optional vars to change:
# These are not needed to be changed, but showing here the
# defaults that we have in defaults/main.yml
burp_server_port_operation_restore: 4975
burp_server_port_operation_verify: 4976
burp_server_port_operation_list: 4977
burp_server_port_operation_delete: 4978
This option will setup /etc/burp/burp.conf
for burp-ui-agent
when used with burp_module_agent: true
to benefit the performance of burp-ui
Check also burp_server_ports_per_operation:
on defaults/main.yml
to change
max_children per operation
- { repo: "http://host/group/repo.git", version: "master", dir: "linux_clients"}
You just need files per client, example:
client1 file content:
password = clientpassword dedup_group = trusty . incexc/profile_lnxsrv
Optional list of clients to add on specific execution
- name: client_name
profile: profile name to use (optional), default: profile_lnxsrv (these files are in incexc/ dir).
password: client_password (optional), default: burp_client_password var
- name: second_client
You can use it as a fixed list or a dinamic specifying it during ansible-playbook
command execution:
Example using json like var in command line:
--extra-vars '{ "burp2_add_manual_clients": [ { "name": "test_manual" }, { "name": "test_manual2", "profile": "profile_win6x" } ] }'
It will create the files:
ansible@ubuntuburp2:~$ cat /etc/burp/clientconfdir/test_manual2
# Ansible managed
password = password
# More configuration files can be read, using syntax like the following
# (without the leading '# ').
. incexc/profile_win6x
ansible@ubuntuburp2:~$ cat /etc/burp/clientconfdir/test_manual
# Ansible managed
password = password
# More configuration files can be read, using syntax like the following
# (without the leading '# ').
. incexc/profile_lnxsrv
Check defaults/main.yml
file, to copy the content and create your own profiles with profiles_templates var
- "someextra=line"
There is now a feature to allow you to remove a client from a list, variable used is:
- name: client_to_remove
- name: other_client_to_remove
You can use this variable in a static var file like: group_vars
, or at runtime. Example:
ansible-playbook --extra-vars '{ "burp_remove_clients": [ { "name": "test_manual" }, { "name": "test_manual2" } ] }' -i inventory roles.burp_servers.yml -u user -k
It uses for better management of third-party services on the system and to be compatible with most systems (ubuntu trusty+, debian, centos, fedora, etc).
To restart installed services/daemons you should use:
sudo supervisorctl restart buiagent/burp-server/burp-restore (depends on the service you want to restart)
you can also use supervisorctl shell:
sudo supervisorctl
And then interactively use all options.
Also supervisord allow proper stdout and stderror to logs redirection, so all logs are under /var/logs/supervisor
Logs are also rotated by logrotate automatically.
This role was created by Diego Daguerre with collaboration of Pablo Estigarribia (pablodav at gmail) Actually main developer is Pablo Estigarribia.
Main page:
Main page:
Now there is only need to modify these to group/host vars:
burpsrcext: "zip"
burp_version: "master"