APNPermissionRequest allows your users to make informed choices on whether to allow or disallow push notifications. The default push notification permission request doesn't give a hint on the nature of notifications and users might deny the request just because they feel unsure. With APNPermissionRequest you may add a) an additional explanatory string to the request and also b) notification settings, so that the user may decide which modality to receive, without navigating to the system Settings app.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
APNPermissionRequest *request = [APNPermissionRequest sharedRequest];
[request showWithType: APNTypeAlert | APNTypeSound
title:@"\"MyMailman\" Would Like to Send You Notifications."
message:@"Your delivery is ready for pick-up at the post office? We'll inform you immediately via a push notification!"
denyButtonTitle:@"Don't allow"
completionHandler:^(BOOL hasPermission,
APNPermissionRequestDialogResult userDialogResult,
APNPermissionRequestDialogResult systemDialogResult) {
NSLog(@"Permission: %d",hasPermission);
NSArray *actions = @[@"no action",@"denied", @"granted"];
NSLog(@"user action: %@",actions[userDialogResult]);
NSLog(@"system action: %@",actions[systemDialogResult]);
NSLog(@"Settings: %@",[APNPermissionRequest enabledTypeNames]);
APNPermissionRequest *request = [APNPermissionRequest sharedRequest];
[request showWithType: APNTypeAlert | APNTypeSound
title:@"\"MyMailman\" Would Like to Send You Notifications."
message:@"Your delivery is ready for pick-up at the post office? We'll inform you immediately via a push notification!"
optionsTitle:@"Notification settings"
denyButtonTitle:@"Don't allow"
completionHandler:^(BOOL hasPermission,
APNPermissionRequestDialogResult userDialogResult,
APNPermissionRequestDialogResult systemDialogResult) {
NSLog(@"Permission: %d",hasPermission);
NSArray *actions = @[@"no action",@"denied", @"granted"];
NSLog(@"user action: %@",actions[userDialogResult]);
NSLog(@"system action: %@",actions[systemDialogResult]);
NSLog(@"Settings: %@",[APNPermissionRequest enabledTypeNames]);
APNPermissionRequest *request = [APNPermissionRequest sharedRequest];
request.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:236.0/255.0 green:240.0/255.0 blue:241.0/255.0 alpha:1];
NSMutableAttributedString *message = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Your delivery is ready for pick-up at the post office? We'll inform you immediately via a push notification!"];
[message addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName
value:[UIFont italicSystemFontOfSize:14]
range:[message rangeOfString:@"push notification"]];
[request showFullscreenWithType: APNTypeAlert | APNTypeSound
title:@"\"MyMailman\" Would Like to Send You Notifications."
optionsTitle:@"Notification settings"
denyButtonTitle:@"Don't allow"
completionHandler:^(BOOL hasPermission,
APNPermissionRequestDialogResult userDialogResult,
APNPermissionRequestDialogResult systemDialogResult) {
NSLog(@"Permission: %d",hasPermission);
NSArray *actions = @[@"no action",@"denied", @"granted"];
NSLog(@"user action: %@",actions[userDialogResult]);
NSLog(@"system action: %@",actions[systemDialogResult]);
NSLog(@"Settings: %@",[APNPermissionRequest enabledTypeNames]);
APNPermissionRequest is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "APNPermissionRequest"
Tilo Westermann, [email protected]
APNPermissionRequest is inspired by ClusterPrePermissions.
APNPermissionRequest is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.