A relation-based Data Language.
Everything in Struxt is a symbol. Three symbols a,b,c make up a triplets, which can be intepreted in different ways:
- As function-value-pair: b(a)=c
- As triplets: (a,b,c)
- As relation: (a,c)∈b
- As arrow in a graph: a--[b]-->c
Note that triplets are symbols themself. This can be used to store information about information: "The statement a=4 is false" ((a,=,4),is,false)
Symbol x;
Defined the symbol x
Defined a triple
- Key a
- Map b
- Value c
Defined a triple and named it.
Defined a local symbol b, while defining a triple.
b is only referable within this command. Commands end with a semicolon.
Defined a symbol b, while defining a triple.
b is referable within the scope.
{Symbol x;...}
Defined a scope, all names inside are only accessable from within the scope
name{ Symbol x;...}
Defined a namespace, symbol inside is refered outside the scope as: name.x
import print from iostream;
import * from "filename";
import stuff from other files.
defines a symbol "set". with (a,in,set),(b,in,set) and (c,in,set)
@command = ("Hello world":print>_)
@command = >>{print("Hello world");...}
Defines a the command 'print("Hello world")' and doesn't store the resulting value, because of the _
executes command. triple is replaced after execution with (command,executed,true)
information that the command shall be executed in a new thread.
potential parameter to be used.
@name = (#{parameters},fun,>>{code})
@name = fun(parameters){code}
creating a function