caxy is now also available as an implementation in java. This means that you don't have to compile anything but you can use the pre-compiled application on any platform supporting java (>= 1.6).
For general information about caxy and how to use it consult the general README.
caxy was created by Till Straumann [email protected]
Can be found here
file implements a class to
enhance the CAJ native java CA-client implementation.
It adds support for SOCKS4/SOCKS5.
Note that this file is NOT directly RELATED or USED by caxy. It is meant to be used to patch CAJ.
caxTo run java caxy you need jvm >= 1.6 and you start it
java -jar <path>/caxy.jar
The commandline options are mostly the same as for the C version (see caxy.html or run caxy with '-h') with the following exceptions:
-S : 'server' mode runs always in the foreground.
-f : ignored.
-n : reverse DNS lookup of IP addresses (debugging mode) is
not supported. All addresses are dumped numerically. The
-n option is not recognized.
-v : the java version only supports CATUN protocol version 3.
There is no option to select the protocol version.
-P : when using a dedicated tunnel port (as opposed to STDIO)
in 'inside' mode then bind to 'ANY' address. This
means that connections from anywhere are possible. By default
caxy binds to a local address so that only connections from
the machine where caxy is running are possible.
If you decide to hack around and you want to rebuild the
java version then read this section. If you just want to use
caxy then the pre-built caxy.jar
should be enough on any
platform that supports at least java-1.6 (you can rebuild
under 1.5. This will work, too, but you won't
have auto_addr_list support.)
For building the java version you need jdk and ant.
Simply chdir to the top directory (holding the file build.xml
and issue
To clean up select the clean
ant clean
java caxy uses the GNU Getopt
class which is released
under the LGPL and distributed in source (and compiled)
form with caxy.
When using the pre-built binaries then the respective terms
of the LGPL apply. Consult the license for details.