This repository is home to various command line tools and Python libraries that aim to help with software supply chain challenges:
is a utility that generates SBOMs given Nix derivation or out path.nixgraph
helps query and visualize dependency graphs for Nix derivation or out path.nixmeta
summarizes nixpkgs meta-attributes from the given nixpkgs version.vulnxscan
is a vulnerability scanner demonstrating the usage of SBOMs in running vulnerability scans.repology_cli
are command line clients to
is a utility that finds outdated nix dependencies for given out path, listing the outdated packages in priority order based on how many other packages depend on the given outdated package.provenance
is a command line tool to generate SLSA v1.0 compliant provenance attestation files in json format for any nix flake or derivation.
For an example of how to use the tooling provided in this repository to automate daily vulnerability scans for a nix flake project, see: ghafscan.
The CycloneDX and SPDX SBOMs for each release of sbomnix tooling is available in the release assets.
All the tools in this repository originate from Ghaf Framework.
- Getting Started
- Buildtime vs Runtime Dependencies
- Usage Examples
- Contribute
- License
- Acknowledgements
requires common Nix tools like nix
and nix-store
. These tools are expected to be in $PATH
can be run as a Nix flake from the tiiuae/sbomnix
# '--' signifies the end of argument list for `nix`.
# '--help' is the first argument to `sbomnix`
$ nix run github:tiiuae/sbomnix#sbomnix -- --help
or from a local repository:
$ git clone
$ cd sbomnix
$ nix run .#sbomnix -- --help
See the full list of supported flake targets by running nix flake show
If you have nix flakes enabled, start a development shell:
$ git clone
$ cd sbomnix
$ nix develop
You can also use nix-shell
to enter the development shell:
$ git clone
$ cd sbomnix
$ nix-shell
Keep in mind this doesn't add the various entrypoint binaries to your PATH
directly. They are produced during the setuptools build.
While you're in the devshell, you can run various command line tools via the entrypoint files directly:
# sbomnix:
$ src/sbomnix/ --help
# nixgraph:
$ src/nixgraph/ --help
# nixmeta:
$ src/nixmeta/ --help
# vulnxscan:
$ src/vulnxscan/ --help
# repology_cli:
$ src/repology/ --help
# repology_cve:
$ src/repology/ --help
# nix_outdated:
$ src/nixupdate/ --help
# provenance:
$ src/provenance/ --help
Closure of a nix store path is a list of all the dependent store paths, recursively, referenced by the target store path. For a package, the closure of it's derivation lists all the buildtime dependencies. As an example, for a simple C program, the buildtime dependencies include packages to bootstrap gcc, stdenv, glibc, bash, etc. on the target architecture. Even a simple hello-world C program typically includes over 150 packages in its list of buildtime dependencies. It's important to note that generating buildtime dependencies in Nix does not require building the target.
For reference, following is a link to graph from an example hello-world C program that includes the first two layers of buildtime dependencies: direct dependencies and the first level of transitive dependencies: C hello-world buildtime, depth=2.
Runtime dependencies are a subset of buildtime dependencies. Nix automatically determines the runtime dependencies by scanning the generated output paths (i.e. build output) for the buildtime dependencies' store paths. This means nix needs to build the target output first, before runtime dependencies can be determined. For reference, below is a complete runtime dependency graph of an example hello-world C program:
By default, where applicable, the tools in this repository assume runtime dependencies. This means, for instance, that unless specified otherwise, sbomnix
will output an SBOM including runtime-only dependencies, nixgraph
outputs runtime dependency graph, and vulnxscan
and nix_outdated
scan runtime dependencies. Since Nix needs to build the target output to determine the runtime dependencies, all the tools in this repository will also build (force-realise) the target output as part of each tool's invocation when determining the runtime dependencies. All the mentioned tools in this repository also support working with buildtime dependencies instead of runtime dependencies with the help of --buildtime
command line argument. As mentioned earlier, generating buildtime dependencies in Nix does not require building the target. Similarly, when --buildtime
is specified, the tools in this repository do not need to be build the given target.
The usage examples work for both the built package, as well as inside the devshell.
Keep in mind inside the devshell, calls to sbomnix
need to be replaced with
(and similar for other entrypoints).
In the below examples, we use Nix package wget
as an example target.
To print wget
out-path on your local system, try:
$ nix eval -f '<nixpkgs>' 'wget.outPath'
By default sbomnix
scans the given target and generates an SBOM including the runtime dependencies.
Notice: determining the target runtime dependencies in Nix requires building the target.
# Target can be specified with flakeref too, e.g.:
# sbomnix .
# sbomnix github:tiiuae/sbomnix
# sbomnix nixpkgs#wget
# Ref:
$ sbomnix /nix/store/8nbv1drmvh588pwiwsxa47iprzlgwx6j-wget-1.21.3
INFO Wrote: sbom.cdx.json
INFO Wrote: sbom.spdx.json
INFO Wrote: sbom.csv
Main outputs are the SBOM json files sbom.cdx.json and sbom.spdx.json in CycloneDX and SPDX formats.
By default sbomnix
scans the given target for runtime dependencies. You can tell sbomnix to determine the buildtime dependencies using the --buildtime
Below example generates SBOM including buildtime dependencies.
Notice: as opposed to runtime dependencies, determining the buildtime dependencies does not require building the target.
$ sbomnix /nix/store/8nbv1drmvh588pwiwsxa47iprzlgwx6j-wget-1.21.3 --buildtime
can be used with output paths too (e.g. anything which produces a result symlink):
$ sbomnix /path/to/result
also supports scanning flake references:
$ sbomnix github:NixOS/nixpkgs?ref=nixos-unstable#wget --buildtime
finds the package dependencies using nixgraph
Moreover, nixgraph
can also be used as a stand-alone tool for visualizing package dependencies.
Below, we show an example of visualizing package wget
runtime dependencies:
$ nixgraph /nix/store/8nbv1drmvh588pwiwsxa47iprzlgwx6j-wget-1.21.3 --depth=2
Which outputs the dependency graph as an image (with maxdepth 2):
For more examples on querying and visualizing the package dependencies, see: nixgraph.
Any pull requests, questions and error reports are welcome. To start development, we recommend using Nix flakes development shell:
$ git clone
$ cd sbomnix/
# Optionally, install git hooks to check the git commit message
$ ./githooks/
$ nix develop
Run make help
to see the list of supported make targets.
Prior to sending any pull requests, make sure at least the make pre-push
runs without failures.
To deactivate the Nix devshell, run exit
in your shell.
To see other Nix flake targets, run nix flake show
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license - see the Apache-2.0.txt file for details.
uses Nix store derivation scanner ( and originally from vulnix.