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Contextual Optimistic-Pessimistic Safe exploration (COPS) reinforcement learning

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Safe Reinforcement Learning with Contextual
Information: Theory and Applications

Junyu Cao1* · Esmaeil Keyvanshokooh2* · Tian Liu2†

1University of Texas at Austin   2Texas A&M University
*equal contribution  †coding and experiments

Paper PDF

This repository contains the implementation of the Contextual Optimistic-Pessimistic Safe exploration (COPS) reinforcement learning algorithm. We also implement and compare with baseline safe RL methods, including DOPE, OptCMDP, and OptPessLP. COPS is tested on the ACCORD dataset for blood pressure (BP) and/or blood glucose (BG) management, as well as the inventory control problem.



  • 2024-12-16: COPS code released.
  • 2023-09-25: ssrn paper released.


Install conda environment

# for Linux machine
conda env create -f environment_linux.yml

# or for Mac
conda env create -f environment_Mac.yml

# activate the environment
conda activate cops

You might need to install Gurobi optimization solver if desired.

conda config --add channels
conda install gurobi

# run the license get commandline after applying for academic license in your account.

# to remove gurobi solver, use
conda remove gurobi

Running Experiments

In this work, for ACCORD dataset, we explored 3 cases: BPClass only, BGClass only, and BPClass+BGClass (Top2 BP + Top2 BG, Top4 BP + Top4 BG). Navigate to the corresponding folder to run the codes. The following commands should work for all 3 cases.

Data Preparation

Create the corresponding datasets for each case by running the create_datasets_contextual.ipynb script in each folder. This will create the datasets for the corresponding case which are saved in the data/ folder.

Running COPS

  1. Data file used:

    • BPClass: BPClass/data/ACCORD_BPClass_v2_merged_Contextual.csv
    • BGClass: BGClass/data/ACCORD_BGClass_v2_merged.csv
    • BPClass+BGClass: BPBGClass/data/ACCORD_BPBGClass_v2_merged.csv
    • create_datasets_contextual.ipynb is copied from the scripts when preparing the ACCORD dataset, it contains some steps to prepare the data file (used in developing BPClass, not used for BG and BPBG)
  2. Train true offline models for P, R, C using all data

    • Run model_contextual.ipynb:

      • take above input data files
      • discretize the context features
      • basic model settings, action space, state space etc.
      • P is estimated the same way (empirical estimates) as DOPE, output model settings to output/model_contextual.pkl
    • Run train_feedback_estimators.ipynb:get the R and C offline estimators

      • takes ../data/ACCORD_BPBGClass_v2_contextual.csv as input
      • R (CVDRisk): logistic regression with (context_vector, state, action)
      • C (SBP or Hba1c): linear regression with (context_vector, action)
      • Offline R and C models are saved to output/CVDRisk_estimator.pkl, output/A1C_feedback_estimator.pkl, output/SBP_feedback_estimator.pkl
  3. Run python or python 1 to run the main contextual algorithm. Use 1 to specify using GUROBI solver.

  4. Run python output/CONTEXTUAL_opsrl15.pkl 30000 to plot all plots in the same figure, specify the filename and episodes to plot

  5. test.ipynb is used to debug the code.

Running DOPE

  1. Run model.ipynb to:

    • data file used for each case:

      • BPClass: ../data/ACCORD_BPClass_v2.csv
      • BGClass: ../data/ACCORD_BGClass_v2.csv
      • BPClass+BGClass: ../data/ACCORD_BPBGClass_v2.csv
    • set up the state features and action features for state space and action space

    • get empriical estimates of the P R C based on the dataset, save it to output/model.pkl

    • set up CONSTRAINTS and baseline Constraint

    • solve the optimal policy, save it to output/solution.pkl

    • solve the baseline policy, save it to output/base.pkl

  2. The defines the utils class, which does:

    • linear programming solver
    • update the empirical estimate of P during exploration
  3. Then run python to run the main DOPE algorithm, use python 1 to specify using GUROBI solver.

    • Learns the objective regrets, and constraint regrets of the learned policy
    • save DOPE_opsrl_RUNNUMBER.pkl and regrets_RUNNUMBER.pkl
  4. Plot the Objective Regret and Constraint Regret

    • run python output/DOPE_opsrl150.pkl 30000
    • plots are in output/ folder

Running OptCMDP

  1. Use the same model preparation scheme as in DOPE by running model.ipynb. If you have run this for DOPE, no need to run this again.
  2. Run python 1 to run the OptCMDP algorithm
    • Similar to DOPE, but not running K0 episodes for baseline policy. Instead, it solves Extended LP directly.
    • Choose random policy for the first episode to get started
  3. python output/OptCMDP_opsrl10.pkl 10000
    • should expect to see non-zero Constraint Regret

Running OptPessLP

  1. Use the same model preparation scheme as in DOPE by running model.ipynb. If you have run this for DOPE, no need to run again.
  2. Run python to run the algorithm
    • Similar to DOPE, but select to run baseline policy based on estimated cost of baseline policy
    • If estimated cost is too high, then run baseline, else solve the Extended LP
    • Radius is larger, and has no tunning parameter
  3. python output/OptPessLP_opsrl10.pkl 10000
    • should expect to see increasing linear Objective Regret with episodes, and 0 Connstraint Regret

Plot Regrets Comparison

  • All models are run for 3e4 episodes, navigate to each folder and run python 30000 to compare all models.

  • Final results for all 3 cases are stored in folders output_final/.

Compare COPS with Clinician actions and feedback

  1. Navigate to /Contextual folder for each of the 3 cases, run the model_contextual.ipynb again to generate

    • CONTEXT_VECTOR_dict: dict with each patient's MaskID as key, and values of context_fea, init_state, state_index_recorded, action_index_recorded
    • save the trained knn_model and knn_model_label and scaler to selecting the actions of Clinician with unmatching states
  2. Run python 1 to run the simulation of COPS and Clinician

    • The difference between solving constrained LP problem and solving the extended LP problem is that, in the extended LP problem, we need to add equations that relates to the confidence bound of the estimated P_hat. Here when testing, we still call the compute_extended_LP() function, but we do not add the confidence bound equations by settings the Inference to True.
    • the results are saved to output_final/Contextual_test_BPClass.csv
  3. Copied the generated simulation output csv files to NumericalResults/ folder

  4. Run Table_and_Plots_v3_LP_samepatient.ipynb to get the plots and tables.

Refer to the file for more detailed examples of running the code.


This code base is developed based on the following project. We sincerely thank the authors for open-sourcing their project.


If you find our project useful, please consider citing:

in latex format:

  title={Safe Reinforcement Learning with Contextual Information: Theory and Applications},
  author={Cao, Junyu and Keyvanshokooh, Esmaeil and Liu, Tian},

or in word format:

Cao, Junyu and Keyvanshokooh, Esmaeil and Liu, Tian, Safe Reinforcement Learning with Contextual Information: Theory and Applications (September 25, 2023). Available at SSRN: or


Contextual Optimistic-Pessimistic Safe exploration (COPS) reinforcement learning



