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Easy, lightweight time library.

Chrono, with its unoriginal but fittingly straightforward name, provides two classes: TimePeriod, which represents a length of time, and TimePoint, which represents a specific point in time.


There are many ways to create a TimePeriod:

const oneWeek = new TimePeriod({weeks: 1});
const oneWeek = new TimePeriod({days: 7});
const oneWeek = new TimePeriod({days: 6, hours: 24});
const oneWeek = TimePeriod.weeks(1);
const oneWeek = TimePeriod.days(7);
const oneWeek = TimePeriod.days(6).add({hours: 24});
const oneWeek = TimePeriod.days(6).add(TimePeriod.days(1));
const oneWeek = TimePeriod.days(8).subtract({days: 1});
const oneWeek = TimePeriod.days(1).multiply(7);
// and so on

const somePeriod = new TimePeriod({
    days: 11,
    hours: 10.5

And as many ways to read one:

const weeks = oneWeek.asWeeks; // 1
const days = oneWeek.asDays; // 7
const hours = oneWeek.asHours; // 168
// asMinutes, asSeconds, asMilliseconds

const breakdown = somePeriod.breakdown(); // { days: 11, hours: 10, minutes: 30 }

More on breakdown()

This method breaks a TimePeriod down into meaningful units:

// specify units:
const breakdown = somePeriod.breakdown(["days", "hours"]);
// ^ { days: 11, hours: 10 }

// retain precision by giving the final unit as float:
const breakdown = somePeriod.breakdown(["days", "hours"], {
    floatLast: true
}); // { days: 11, hours: 10.5 }

// omit units with value 0
const breakdown = TimePeriod.hours(26).breakdown(["days", "hours", "minutes"], {
    includeZero: false,
}); // { days: 1, hours: 2 }

// without specifying units:
const breakdown = somePeriod.breakdown();
const breakdown = somePeriod.breakdown({ includeZero: true });

breakdown()'s return type depends on specified units and includeZero option. With zeros included, its type is { [unit]: number } and with zeros omitted it's { [unit]?: number | undefined }.

includeZeros: true

includeZeros: false

When units are not specified, floatLast defaults to true and includeZero defaults to false and the units days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds are used. When units are specified, floatLast defaults to false and includeZero defaults to true. The rationale is that the former case, with unspecified units, will therefore provide units as required, without loss of information, while specifiying units should by default yield a specific, predictable structure.

The order in which units are given is inconsequential. More significant units will be exhausted first. That is, t.breakdown(["seconds", "minutes"]) will produce the same result as t.breakdown(["minutes", "seconds"]).

TimePeriod serialises into JSON as an object that can be converted back with new TimePeriod(unserialisedValue).


There are many ways to create a TimePoint:

// now:
const now =;
// Date object:
const point = new TimePoint(new Date());
// epoch milliseconds:
const point = new TimePoint(jsDate.getTime());
// epoch TimePeriod:
const point = new TimePoint(TimePeriod.weeks(2652));
// or
const point = TimePoint.epochStart.add({weeks: 2652});
// string:
const point = new TimePoint("2020-10-31 17:30 GMT");
// descriptor object:
const point = new TimePoint({
    year: 2022,
    month: 10,
    day: 31,
    hour: 17,
    minute: 30,
    second: 0,
    timezone: "GMT"
// epoch breakdown:
const point = new TimePoint({
    unixEpoch: someTimePeriod.breakdown()

A TimePoint can be read as a JS Date via timepoint.asDate or as a unix epoch TimePeriod via timepoint.unixEpoch.

console.log("Time passed since 1970-01-01 GMT:",;
// at time of writing: { days: 19961, hours: 21, minutes: 16, seconds: 44, milliseconds: 228 }

timepoint.add(...period) accepts a mix of TimePeriod and breakdown-like objects and adds the combined total to create a new TimePoint, leaving the original unchanged:

const nextWeek =
    { hours: 24 }

const thirtySecondsLater = point.add({ minutes: .5 });

timepoint.subtract(period) accepts a single value of either of those types.

const lastWeek ={weeks: 1});
const lastWeek =;

Use tp.isBefore(), tp.isAfter() and tp.equals() to compare with other points in time, each accepting a TimePoint | Date value.

Use tp.difference(TimePoint | Date) to determine the period between two times, as a TimePeriod.

const point = new TimePoint("2020-10-31 17:30 GMT");
const elapsed = point.difference(;
// at time of writing: { days: 1395, hours: 5, minutes: 8, seconds: 37, milliseconds: 203 }

TimePoint serialises into JSON as { unixEpoch: tp.breakdown() } for easy conversion back with, for example, new TimePoint(unserialisedValue). Casting to string gives the same result as casting an equivalent Date, to ease integration.

wait() & atTime()

wait() takes either a time period or a point in time and returns a Promise that will be resolved when the specified time has elapsed. This can be used as a TimePeriod-compatible equivalent to setTimeout() but with the flexibility of a Promise.

// wait for a period
wait({minutes: 1, seconds: 30}).then(() => alert("time up"));
await wait(oneWeek);
// numbers are interpreted as milliseconds
await wait(10000);

// wait for a specific time
await wait(new Date("2094-11-16"));
await wait(new TimePoint("2094-11-16"));

atTime() takes a point in time, either as a Date or a TimePoint, and a callback to run at the given time.

atTime(appointmentTime.subtract({minutes: 15}), () => alert("upcoming appointment"));
atTime(new TimePoint("2099-11-06"), () => releaseHalfLife3());


Easy, lightweight time library







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