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WordValidator validates that the attribute value has a specific words count and checks this value against whitelist and blacklist. It is a port of from Anton Yakushin from Yii 1 to Yii 2.
Tested in Yii 2.0.9.
composer require thyseus/yii2-word-validator
Add the following code to your model class rules() method
use thyseus\validators\WordValidator;
public function rules()
return [
//other validators...
array('attributeName', WordValidator::className(), /*add custom rules here*/),
For example:
use thyseus\validators\WordValidator;
public function rules() {
return [
[['message'], WordValidator::className(),
'min' => 2,
'max' => 5,
'whitelist' => array('please', 'test'),
'blacklist' => array('restricted', 'email.*'), //could be a regular expression
'messages' => array(
'max' => '{attribute} is too long (maximum is {max} words, but now it\'s {length})'
- max - the attribute should contain less (or equal) words count;
- min - minimum words count;
- exact - expected only this words count;
- blacklist - array of words that should not be in the attribute. There also could be a regular expression;
- whitelist - at least one of these words/expressions must be in the attribute.
Any default error message could be overridden using messages parameter. All messages support {attribute} and {length} placeholders. Each validation method adds it's value to a correspond (the same as a name) placeholder. For min rule a message could be specified as:
'messages' => array(
'min' => 'Your {attribute} is now has {length} words. But should be
at least {min}'
Client side validation is supported.