This is a sample website deployment to Azure App Services using Terraform. This deployment will create the cloud infrastructure, create the CI/CD pipeline from Azure to Github, setup the Githb action to pull the source code and deploy to the App Service, and create the scaling rules to scale appropriately.
As of this writing, in order to leverage the azurerm_app_service_souce_control resource, you need to opt-in to the Azurerm module version 3.0 beta. To do so, follow the steps here:
For this project you'll need the following
- Terraform v1.0.7
- Follow directions here <>
- Azure CLI
- Follow directions here <>
- Active Azure subscription
- GitHub Oauth token to <> for CI/CD Pipeline
- As of this writing the Oauth token needs to be made into an environment variable called "TF_VAR_Github_OAuth"
Clone the repo
git clone
Login to Azure via Azure CLI
az login
Initialize Terraform and download the correct modules
terraform init
Plan the build
terraform plan -out=tfplan
Run the build
terraform apply tfplan