Finite state possible world semantics using FOMA
Using this code requires the foma finite-state toolkit, which is available
here. Foma
is also available in the official repositories of recent versions of Ubuntu and
some other Linux distros, and can be installed via apt-get
or other package
managers. For example, on Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install foma-bin
Once you have foma installed, it can be invoked to read and interact with the
models. The source
command loads a file from disk into foma.
$ foma
(some text will appear here)
foma[0]: source rooth.fst
(some more text)
foma[0]: regex Example11;
3.3 kB. 78 states, 169 arcs, 3648 paths.
foma[1]: view
foma[1]: print dot >
foma[1]: exit
The view
command opens up a graphics window that displays the FSM. This
requires the appropriate packages to be installed, depending on your system
(see the foma GitHub page for more details).
There are a few different files included in this repository. Each file stands alone as an example implementation of finite state semantics, with a focus on a particular concept.
- a re-implementation of Rooth's original finite state intensional semanticspresupposition.fst
- an implementation of some basic presuppositionsplurals.fst
- an implementation of finite state semantics with presupposition that allows for the representation of plurals and plural definites