Provides rosinstall files and scripts for making installation of thor_mang software more convenient.
General remarks:
The standard computer setup we use is Ubuntu 16.04/64Bit
- Note that other setups might work, but cannot be supported due to the overhead that would involve.
- Install ROS Kinetic as described here:
Choose the desktop variant:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-desktop
Checkout software (please take note of the . at the end):
mkdir ~/thor cd ~/thor git clone .
Install software:
Add following line to your .bashrc:
. ~/thor/setup.bash
Open a new terminal before starting to work on THORMANG software.
For simulation you need to install following rosinstalls:
thor install simulation ui thor update_make
Afterwards run the Gazebo install script (even you have already a Gazebo version installed; in this case just select the version you have already installed when asked):
thor install_gazebo 8
Start default simulation environment
thor sim
Open demo interface
thor ui demo.launch