To visualize data from the estimation of DSGE model with financial frictions on the Euro area and the United States to explain the recent divergence between both economies.
Estimation and simulation of the model have been done with Dynare, we thank the Dynare Team (@DynareTeam).
The model was initially developped by Christiano L., Motto R. and Rostagno M. (2014), we thank them (and B. Johannsen) to have made their code available.
The website has been coded in R. Special thanks to :
- RStudio (@Rstudio) for shiny package
- Hadley Wickham (@hadley) for ggplot2, reshape2, plyr and devtools
- Ramnathv Vaidyanathan (@ramnathv) for rCharts
- @timelyportfolio, @leonawicz for examples
- Huidong Tian for 'Calculation in Process' indicator
- Dimitri Guérin, Matteo Gagliardi and Dominique Pianelli, from CEPII, for their help