Yet another task runner.
There is a very good article on the Deno blog with the title You Don't Need a Build Step. Yes, you don't need this task runner either, but it works (maybe) and it was fun to implement it.
deno install --allow-run -RWE --unstable-kv -g -n tano jsr:@dx/tano/cli
Your tasks may need additional permissions.
Upgrades the dx cli.
tano --upgrade
tano --help
Create a TypeScript file with the name tanofile.ts
and import the 'task' function and create your tasks.
import { needs, task } from 'jsr:@dx/tano';
task('pre-task', `echo 'These were ...'`);
task('default', needs('pre-task'), `echo '...two tasks.'`);
Execute default task:
Execute my-task:
tano --task my-task
...or shorthand:
tano my-task
tano --help