The capstone will build upon the knowledge gained in the course in order to build a decentralized housing product.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Please make sure you've already installed ganache-cli, Truffle and enabled the MetaMask extension in your browser.
A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development environment running.
Clone this repository and install all requisite npm packages (as listed in package.json
npm install
Change into the contracts folder:
cd eth-contracts
Launch Ganache:
ganache-cli -m "tattoo endless undo gold uniform deny era mean spot width execute impose"
In a separate terminal window, compile the smart contracts:
truffle compile
This will create the smart contract artifacts in folder build/contracts
Migrate smart contracts to the locally running blockchain, ganache-cli:
truffle migrate
Test the smart contracts:
truffle test
All 11 tests should pass and your terminal should look something like this:
The code repository already contains 10 pre-generated proofs that have been used to mint 10 tokens. The following instructions explain how the proofs have been generated.
Step 1: Run Docker
sudo systemctl start docker # In case SELinux prevents access to the local drive sudo su -c "setenforce 0"
Step 2: Run ZoKrates
docker run -v `pwd`/zokrates/code/:/home/zokrates/code -ti zokrates/zokrates /bin/bash
Change into the square directory
cd code/square/
Step 3: Compile the program written in ZoKrates DSL
~/zokrates compile -i square.code
Step 4: Generate the trusted setup
~/zokrates setup
Step 5: Compute witness
~/zokrates compute-witness -a 3 9
Step 6: Generate proof
~/zokrates generate-proof
Step 7: Export verifier
~/zokrates export-verifier
Re-run steps 5 and 6 with different arguments, e.g. 2 4, to generate additional proofs for minting tokens.
Create the following files in the eth-contracts
Execute the following command deploy the contracts to Rinkeby:
truffle migrate --network rinkeby --reset
The smart contracts are deployed on the Ethereum Rinkeby test network:
- NipaHutERC721Token:
- SquareVerifier:
- SolnSquareVerifier:
Before tokens can be minted, a new solution for the given token ID needs to be submitted, e.g.:
node submit-solution.js ../zokrates/code/square/proofs/5/proof.json 5
Now the token can be minted, e.g.:
node mint-token.js 5
Use the OpenSea Rinkeby environment to list the SolnSquareVerifier token (0xC74013ee20CeD12A2D531594D71585E22168b9e2
After listing, the marketplace should look like this:
Check out the Nipa Hut Token assets on OpenSea:
Graded according to the Project Rubric.
- Remix - Solidity IDE
- Visual Studio Code
- Truffle Framework
- Ganache - One Click Blockchain
- Open Zeppelin
- Interactive zero knowledge 3-colorability demonstration
- Docker
- ZoKrates
- Truffle v5.0.18 (core: 5.0.18)
- Solidity - ^0.5.2 (solc-js)
- Node v10.15.3
- Web3.js v1.0.0-beta.37
- MIT license
- Copyright 2019 © Thomas Weibel.