- Download and install latest NodeJS LTS.
- Install VS Code text editor.
- Install Git. Refer to this video for further reference.
- Clone Project in VS Code. Refer to this video.
CTRL + Shift + P
Search for Git Clone then paste:
- Open VS Code terminal and install all dependencies in package.json. (Make sure to have yarn installed in your system)
yarn install
- Install PostgreSQL Database. Refer to this video. Take note of your login credentials.
- Create database jdvnhs_db
- Navigate to the root of the project and create a .env file. Follow the format of the .env.example file and fill up the database credentials.
- Run database migrations and seed files.
yarn knex migrate:rollback --all && yarn knex migrate:latest && yarn knex seed:run
- Run the project. Open VS Code terminal.
yarn dev
- Open Chrome and visit http://localhost:PORT/v1/. Change the PORT based on .env file, defaults to 4000.
- Fork this project on your account.
- Refer to this video tutorial.