The following project is built with: Php, javascript and typescript.
The frameworks used are: Laravel, inertia.js and vue.js.
The purpose of this project is to build a multi-purpose crm with reusable components such as:
Manage different locations
You can customise your sidebar menu easily, inside the hook useNavItems.ts, you can create your menuItems and even their corresponding child menuItems.
Make sure that the path that each item points to exists within the web.php file.
The development uses a builder pattern, to facilitate the creation and configuration of each item.
- Inside resources\js\Pages\Modules\Index.vue exists an example of how to use CustomTableComponent.
Steps to configure a table:
configure a ModuleRepositoryCreator class copy, and inside their factoryMethod; return an instance of ModuleRepository
- configure an implementation of ListRepositoryInterface for example App\Classes\ModuleRepository, just there you can configure tableHeaders inside setTableHeaders()
title: name of column on table.
columnProp: property mapped in collection.
order_activated: active order arrow.
query_name: query_param used to order.
up_arrow: up_arrow is selected.
down_arrow: down_arrow is selected.
deactivate: deactivate order.
inside getList() method you can configure the paginated query
inside RepositoryServiceProvider you can configure which RepositoryCreator class is to be injected into your controller
- Inside your controller, for example: ModulesController, you can set a configuration like this:
- 'path_module', 'delete_action', 'udpate_action' and 'index_action'. These parameters correspond to the routes configured in the web.php routes file where your routes should be pointing to the different controller methods.
Inside resources\js\Pages\Modules\Index.vue exists an example of how to use CustomTablePagination.
You can configure pagination by adding this variables inside .env:
DEFAULT_NUMBER_PER_PAGE_PAGINATION=5. (how many items are showed by page)
DEFAULT_SHOW_NUMBER_PAGE_PAGINATION=10. (number of pages showed in pagination)
- inside lang/es.json and lang/en.json you can put translations and then use useTranslations() hook for translating a text.
- unit/integration tests: phpUnit, vitest.
- e2e testing: laravel dusk
- phpUnit (unit/feature): php artisan test.
- vitest (unit/feature): npm run test.
- laravel dusk (e2e): php artisan dusk.
- note: to run e2e testing you must run the project first, so follow instructions on section "Configure project in local environment" and after run the project (npm run dev & php artisan serve) and only when the project is running you can run: laravel dusk (this command going to reset migrations, so when tests have finished, rerun seeders: php artisan migrate:refresh --seed)
- Node 20.12.0.
- PHP 8.2.17.
- Laravel 11.
- Clone this repo.
- run: npm install.
- run: composer install.
- change .env.copy file to .env.
- configure database in .env file (configure pagination variables as well).
- run: php artisan migrate.
- run: php artisan db:seed.
- run: php artisan ziggy:generate.
- run: php artisan ziggy:generate --types.
- to run test, first run: npm run build, then run: php artisan test, npm run test.
- run project: npm run dev & php artisan serve.
- go to /login path and enter with [email protected], password: password.