Note that you will need a valid LCR Account with thinQ before using the libraries. For more information please contact your thinQ Sales representative at
Example usage:
using System;
using TwilioWithThinQLCR;
using Twilio;
using Twilio.Rest.Api.V2010.Account;
using Twilio.Types;
namespace Demo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string thinqAccountId = "thinqAccountId";
string thinqToken = "thinqToken";
string twilioSid = "twilioSid";
string twilioToken = "twilioToken";
// Example using a callOptions object
// Initialize the Twilio rest client using your Twilio SID and Token.
TwilioClient.Init(twilioSid, twilioToken);
// Create a thinQ callOptions object, passing in your thinQ ID and ThinQ Token.
CreateCallOptionsWithThinQLCR callOptions = new CreateCallOptionsWithThinQLCR(thinqAccountId, thinqToken, new PhoneNumber("19195551234"), new PhoneNumber("19198900000"));
// Populate your callOptions object with any additional parameters like normal.
callOptions.Url = new Uri("");
// Create your call as you normally would.
var call = CallResource.Create(callOptions);
Console.WriteLine("Call sid: " + call.Sid);
// Example using the thinQ wrapper
// Create a wrapper object, psasing in your Twilio SID, Twilio Token, thinQ ID and thinQ Token.
TwilioWrapper wrapper = new TwilioWrapper(twilioSid, twilioToken, thinqAccountId, thinqToken);
// Call the createCall method on the wrapper as normal.
var call2 = wrapper.createCall(new PhoneNumber("19195551234"), new PhoneNumber("19198900000"), url: new Uri(""));
Console.WriteLine("Call2 sid: " + call2.Sid);
// Example using the thinQ wrapper and callOptions.
// Create a wrapper object, psasing in your Twilio SID, Twilio Token, thinQ ID and thinQ Token.
TwilioWrapper wrapper2 = new TwilioWrapper(twilioSid, twilioToken, thinqAccountId, thinqToken);
// Create a callOptions object, passing in your to and from numbers.
CreateCallOptions callOptions2 = new CreateCallOptions(new PhoneNumber("19195551234"), new PhoneNumber("19198900000"));
// Populate your callOptions object with any additional parameters like normal.
callOptions2.Url = new Uri("");
// Call the createCall method on the wrapper as normal.
CallResource call3 = wrapper2.createCall(callOptions);
Console.WriteLine("Call sid: " + call3.Sid);