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Project Description

The thinqconnect provides a robust interface for interacting with the LG ThinQ API Open API. This SDK is designed to facilitate seamless integration with a range of LGE appliances, bases on LG ThinQ API.


  • Please note that any unofficial ThinQ Projects(especially reverse-engineered client) are subject to unannounced changes or unavailability in 2025.

Features Roadmap - 2025


  • Ventilator
  • ShoeCare
  • ShoeCase
  • TBD


  • Energy: Power Consumption
    • The provided power consumption may vary by country and device.


  • Display Light (Status/Control)
    • Air Conditioner
  • Washing Cycle Count (Status)
    • Washer/WashTower/WashCombo
  • Wind Direction (Status/Control)
    • Air Conditioner
  • Room/Water Temperature Mode (Status)
    • System Boiler
  • TBD

Key Features

  • Profile Retrieval: Access detailed profiles of 27 different home appliances.
  • Device Management: Query and retrieve lists of connected devices and their statuses.
  • Device Control: Execute commands to control your appliances directly through the API.
  • Event Handling: Utilize AWS IoT Core for MQTT connections to receive device events and push notifications via callbacks.

This SDK is an essential tool for developers looking to integrate ThinQ Connect capabilities into their applications, ensuring efficient and reliable smart home management.

Installation and usage


pip install thinqconnect


Obtaining and Using a Personal Access Token

To use the ThinQ Connect Python SDK, you need to obtain a Personal Access Token from the LG ThinQ Developer Site. Follow the steps below to get your token and configure your environment.

Steps to Obtain a Personal Access Token

  1. Sign Up or Log In:
  2. Navigate to Cloud Developer:
    • After logging in, go to the Cloud Developer section.
  3. Navigate to Docs.
  4. Locate ThinQ Connect:
    • Within the docs, find and select ThinQ Connect.
  5. Generate Personal Access Token:
    • Under the ThinQ Connect section, locate PAT (Personal Access Token).
    • If you don’t have an account, sign up for one. If you already have an account, log in using your LG ThinQ Account.
    • Follow the instructions provided to generate and copy your Personal Access Token.

After obtaining your Personal Access Token, you need to configure your environment to use it with the SDK.

Client ID Requirements

Each client device must use a unique Client ID. This Client ID should be a randomly generated value, and using a uuid4 format is recommended. Be cautious with excessive client creation, as it may lead to your API calls being blocked.

import uuid
client_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

Country Codes

When initializing the SDK, you will also need to provide a country code. Refer to the table below for the appropriate country code to use:

Country Code Country Code Country Code
AE United Arab Emirates GD Grenada NG Nigeria
AF Afghanistan GE Georgia NI Nicaragua
AG Antigua and Barbuda GH Gana NL Netherlands
AL Albania GM Gambia NO Norway
AM Armenia GN Guinea NP Nepal
AO Angola GQ Equatorial Guinea NZ New Zealand
AR Argentina GR Greece OM Oman
AT Austria GT Guatemala PA Panama
AU Australia GY Guyana PE Peru
AW Aruba HK Hong Kong PH Philippines
AZ Azerbaijan HN Honduras PK Pakistan
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina HR Croatia PL Poland
BB Barbados HT Haiti PR Puerto Rico
BD Bangladesh HU Hungary PS Occupied Palestinian Territory
BE Belgium ID Indonesia PT Portugal
BF Burkina Faso IE Ireland PY Paraguay
BG Bulgaria IL Israel QA Qatar
BH Bahrain IN India RO Romania
BJ Benin IQ Iraq RS Serbia
BO Bolivia IR Iran RU Russian Federation
BR Brazil IS Iceland RW Rwanda
BS Bahamas IT Italy SA Saudi Arabia
BY Belarus JM Jamaica SD Sudan
BZ Belize JO Jordan SE Sweden
CA Canada JP Japan SG Singapore
CD Democratic Republic of the Congo KE Kenya SI Slovenia
CF Central African Republic KG Kyrgyzstan SK Slovakia
CG Republic of the Congo KH Cambodia SL Sierra Leone
CH Switzerland KN Saint Kitts and Nevis SN Senegal
CI Republic of Ivory Coast KR Korea SO Somalia
CL Chile KW Kuwait SR Suriname
CM Cameroon KZ Kazakhstan ST Sao Tome and Principe
CN China LA Laos SV El Salvador
CO Colombia LB Lebanon SY Syrian Arab Republic
CR Costa Rica LC Saint Lucia TD Chad
CU Cuba LK Sri Lanka TG Togo
CV Cape Verde LR Liberia TH Thailand
CY Cyprus LT Lithuania TN Tunisia
CZ Czech Republic LU Luxembourg TR Turkey
DE Germany LV Latvia TT Trinidad and Tobago
DJ Djibouti LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya TW Taiwan
DK Denmark MA Morocco TZ United Republic of Tanzania
DM Dominica MD Republic of Moldova UA Ukraine
DO Dominican Republic ME Montenegro UG Uganda
DZ Algeria MK Macedonia US USA
EC Ecuador ML Mali UY Uruguay
EE Estonia MM Myanmar UZ Uzbekistan
EG Egypt MR Mauritania VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
ES Spain MT Malta VE Venezuela
ET Ethiopia MU Mauritius VN Vietnam
FI Finland MW Malawi XK Kosovo
FR France MX Mexico YE Yemen
GA Gabon MY Malaysia ZA South Africa
GB United Kingdom NE Niger ZM Zambia

Simple Test

import asyncio
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from thinqconnect.thinq_api import ThinQApi

async def test_devices_list():
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        thinq_api = ThinQApi(session=session, access_token='your_personal_access_token', country_code='your_contry_code', client_id='your_client_id')
        response = await thinq_api.async_get_device_list()
        print("device_list : %s", response.body)

Ensure that you keep your Personal Access Token and Client ID secure and do not expose them in your source code or public repositories.


Apache License

Available Device Types and Properties

For detailed information on Device Properties, please refer to the following page: LG ThinQ API - Device Profile



resources properties
1 air_con_job_mode current_job_mode
2 operation air_con_operation_mode
3 operation air_clean_operation_mode
4 temperature current_temperature_c
5 temperature current_temperature_f
6 temperature target_temperature_c
7 temperature target_temperature_f
8 temperature heat_target_temperature_c
9 temperature heat_target_temperature_f
10 temperature cool_target_temperature_c
11 temperature cool_target_temperature_f
12 temperature temperature_unit
13 two_set_temperature two_set_enabled
14 two_set_temperature two_set_heat_target_temperature_c
15 two_set_temperature two_set_heat_target_temperature_f
16 two_set_temperature two_set_cool_target_temperature_c
17 two_set_temperature two_set_cool_target_temperature_f
18 two_set_temperature two_set_temperature_unit
19 timer relative_hour_to_start
20 timer relative_minute_to_start
21 timer relative_hour_to_stop
22 timer relative_minute_to_stop
23 timer absolute_hour_to_start
24 timer absolute_minute_to_start
25 timer absolute_hour_to_stop
26 timer absolute_minute_to_stop
27 sleep_timer sleep_timer_relative_hour_to_stop
28 sleep_timer sleep_timer_relative_minute_to_stop
29 power_save power_save_enabled
30 air_flow wind_strength
31 air_flow wind_step
32 air_quality_sensor pm1
33 air_quality_sensor pm2
34 air_quality_sensor pm10
35 air_quality_sensor odor
36 air_quality_sensor odor_level
37 air_quality_sensor humidity
38 air_quality_sensor total_pollution
39 air_quality_sensor total_pollution_level
40 air_quality_sensor monitoring_enabled
41 filter_info used_time
42 filter_info filter_lifetime
43 filter_info filter_remain_percent
44 display display_light
45 wind_direction wind_rotate_up_down
46 wind_direction wind_rotate_left_right



resources properties
1 air_purifier_job_mode current_job_mode
2 air_purifier_job_mode personalization_mode
3 operation air_purifier_operation_mode
4 timer absolute_hour_to_start
5 timer absolute_minute_to_start
6 timer absolute_hour_to_stop
7 timer absolute_minute_to_stop
8 air_flow wind_strength
9 air_quality_sensor monitoring_enabled
10 air_quality_sensor pm1
11 air_quality_sensor pm2
12 air_quality_sensor pm10
13 air_quality_sensor odor
14 air_quality_sensor odor_level
15 air_quality_sensor humidity
16 air_quality_sensor total_pollution
17 air_quality_sensor total_pollution_level
18 filter_info filter_remain_percent



resources properties
1 air_fan_job_mode current_job_mode
2 operation air_fan_operation_mode
3 timer absolute_hour_to_start
4 timer absolute_minute_to_start
5 timer absolute_hour_to_stop
6 timer absolute_minute_to_stop
7 sleep_timer sleep_timer_relative_hour_to_stop
8 sleep_timer sleep_timer_relative_minute_to_stop
9 air_flow warm_mode
10 air_flow wind_temperature
11 air_flow wind_strength
12 air_flow wind_angle
13 air_quality_sensor monitoring_enabled
14 air_quality_sensor pm1
15 air_quality_sensor pm2
16 air_quality_sensor pm10
17 air_quality_sensor humidity
18 air_quality_sensor temperature
19 air_quality_sensor odor
20 air_quality_sensor odor_level
21 air_quality_sensor total_pollution
22 air_quality_sensor total_pollution_level
23 display display_light
24 misc uv_nano



resources properties
1 air_flow wind_strength
2 operation ceiling_fan_operation_mode



resources properties
1 operation operation_mode


resources properties
1 cooking_zone current_state
2 power power_level
3 remote_control_enable remote_control_enabled
4 timer remain_hour
5 timer remain_minute



resources properties
1 operation dehumidifier_operation_mode
2 dehumidifier_job_mode current_job_mode
3 humidity current_humidity
4 air_flow wind_strength



resources properties
1 run_state current_state
2 dish_washing_status rinse_refill
3 preference rinse_level
4 preference softening_level
5 preference machine_clean_reminder
6 preference signal_level
7 preference clean_light_reminder
8 door_status door_state
9 operation dish_washer_operation_mode
10 remote_control_enable remote_control_enabled
11 timer relative_hour_to_start
12 timer relative_minute_to_start
13 timer remain_hour
14 timer remain_minute
15 timer total_hour
16 timer total_minute
17 dish_washing_course current_dish_washing_course



resources properties
1 run_state current_state
2 operation dryer_operation_mode
3 remote_control_enable remote_control_enabled
4 timer remain_hour
5 timer remain_minute
6 timer total_hour
7 timer total_minute
8 timer relative_hour_to_stop
9 timer relative_minute_to_stop
10 timer relative_hour_to_start
11 timer relative_minute_to_start



resources properties
1 run_state current_state
2 recipe beer_remain
3 recipe flavor_info
4 recipe flavor_capsule_1
5 recipe flavor_capsule_2
6 recipe hop_oil_info
7 recipe hop_oil_capsule_1
8 recipe hop_oil_capsule_2
9 recipe wort_info
10 recipe yeast_info
11 recipe recipe_name
12 timer elapsed_day_state
13 timer elapsed_day_total



resources properties
1 ventilation fan_speed
2 lamp lamp_brightness
3 operation hood_operation_mode



resources properties
1 humidifier_job_mode current_job_mode
2 operation humidifier_operation_mode
3 operation auto_mode
4 operation sleep_mode
5 operation hygiene_dry_mode
6 timer absolute_hour_to_start
7 timer absolute_hour_to_stop
8 timer absolute_minute_to_start
9 timer absolute_minute_to_stop
10 sleep_timer sleep_timer_relative_hour_to_stop
11 sleep_timer sleep_timer_relative_minute_to_stop
12 humidity target_humidity
13 humidity warm_mode
14 air_flow wind_strength
15 air_quality_sensor monitoring_enabled
16 air_quality_sensor total_pollution
17 air_quality_sensor total_pollution_level
18 air_quality_sensor pm1
19 air_quality_sensor pm2
20 air_quality_sensor pm10
21 air_quality_sensor humidity
22 air_quality_sensor temperature
23 display display_light
24 mood_lamp mood_lamp_state



resources properties
1 refrigeration one_touch_filter
2 refrigeration fresh_air_filter


resources properties
1 temperature target_temperature



resources properties
1 run_state current_state
2 timer remain_minute
3 timer remain_second
4 ventilation fan_speed
5 lamp lamp_brightness



resources properties
1 info oven_type


resources properties
1 run_state current_state
2 operation oven_operation_mode
3 cook cook_mode
4 remote_control_enable remote_control_enabled
5 temperature target_temperature_c
6 temperature target_temperature_f
7 temperature temperature_unit
8 timer remain_hour
9 timer remain_minute
10 timer remain_second
11 timer target_hour
12 timer target_minute
13 timer target_second
14 timer timer_hour
15 timer timer_minute
16 timer timer_second





resources properties
1 run_state current_state
2 run_state growth_mode
3 run_state wind_volume
4 light brightness
5 light duration
6 light start_hour
7 light start_minute
8 temperature day_target_temperature
9 temperature night_target_temperature
10 temperature temperature_state



resources properties
1 power_save power_save_enabled
2 eco_friendly eco_friendly_mode
3 sabbath sabbath_mode
4 refrigeration rapid_freeze
5 refrigeration express_mode
6 refrigeration express_mode_name
7 refrigeration express_fridge
8 refrigeration fresh_air_filter
9 water_filter_info used_time
10 water_filter_info water_filter_info_unit


resources properties
1 door_status door_state
2 temperature target_temperature_c
3 temperature target_temperature_f
4 temperature temperature_unit



resources properties
1 run_state current_state
2 robot_cleaner_job_mode current_job_mode
3 operation clean_operation_mode
4 battery battery_level
5 battery battery_percent
6 timer absolute_hour_to_start
7 timer absolute_minute_to_start
8 timer running_hour
9 timer running_minute



resources properties
1 run_state current_state
2 stick_cleaner_job_mode current_job_mode
3 battery battery_level
4 battery battery_percent



resources properties
1 run_state current_state
2 operation styler_operation_mode
3 remote_control_enable remote_control_enabled
4 timer relative_hour_to_stop
5 timer relative_minute_to_stop
6 timer remain_hour
7 timer remain_minute
8 timer total_hour
9 timer total_minute



resources properties
1 boiler_job_mode current_job_mode
2 operation boiler_operation_mode
3 operation hot_water_mode
4 operation room_temp_mode
5 operation room_water_mode
6 hot_water_temperature hot_water_current_temperature_c
7 hot_water_temperature hot_water_current_temperature_f
8 hot_water_temperature hot_water_target_temperature_c
9 hot_water_temperature hot_water_target_temperature_f
10 hot_water_temperature hot_water_max_temperature_c
11 hot_water_temperature hot_water_max_temperature_f
12 hot_water_temperature hot_water_min_temperature_c
13 hot_water_temperature hot_water_min_temperature_f
14 hot_water_temperature hot_water_temperature_unit
15 room_temperature room_current_temperature_c
16 room_temperature room_current_temperature_f
17 room_temperature room_air_current_temperature_c
18 room_temperature room_air_current_temperature_f
19 room_temperature room_out_water_current_temperature_c
20 room_temperature room_out_water_current_temperature_f
21 room_temperature room_in_water_current_temperature_c
22 room_temperature room_in_water_current_temperature_f
23 room_temperature room_target_temperature_c
24 room_temperature room_target_temperature_f
25 room_temperature room_air_cool_target_temperature_c
26 room_temperature room_air_cool_target_temperature_f
27 room_temperature room_air_heat_target_temperature_c
28 room_temperature room_air_heat_target_temperature_f
29 room_temperature room_water_cool_target_temperature_c
30 room_temperature room_water_cool_target_temperature_f
31 room_temperature room_water_heat_target_temperature_c
32 room_temperature room_water_heat_target_temperature_f
33 room_temperature room_air_heat_max_temperature_c
34 room_temperature room_air_heat_max_temperature_f
35 room_temperature room_air_heat_min_temperature_c
36 room_temperature room_air_heat_min_temperature_f
37 room_temperature room_air_cool_max_temperature_c
38 room_temperature room_air_cool_max_temperature_f
39 room_temperature room_air_cool_min_temperature_c
40 room_temperature room_air_cool_min_temperature_f
41 room_temperature room_water_heat_max_temperature_c
42 room_temperature room_water_heat_max_temperature_f
43 room_temperature room_water_heat_min_temperature_c
44 room_temperature room_water_heat_min_temperature_f
45 room_temperature room_water_cool_max_temperature_c
46 room_temperature room_water_cool_max_temperature_f
47 room_temperature room_water_cool_min_temperature_c
48 room_temperature room_water_cool_min_temperature_f
49 room_temperature room_temperature_unit





resources properties
1 run_state current_state
2 operation washer_operation_mode
3 remote_control_enable remote_control_enabled
4 timer remain_hour
5 timer remain_minute
6 timer total_hour
7 timer total_minute
8 timer relative_hour_to_stop
9 timer relative_minute_to_stop
10 timer relative_hour_to_start
11 timer relative_minute_to_start
12 detergent detergent_setting
13 cycle cycle_count



resources properties
1 water_heater_job_mode current_job_mode
2 operation water_heater_operation_mode
3 temperature current_temperature_c
4 temperature current_temperature_f
5 temperature target_temperature_c
6 temperature target_temperature_f
7 temperature temperature_unit



resources properties
1 run_state cock_state
2 run_state sterilizing_state
3 water_info water_type



resources properties
1 operation light_brightness
2 operation optimal_humidity
3 operation sabbath_mode
4 operation light_status


resources properties
1 temperature target_temperature_c
2 temperature target_temperature_f
3 temperature temperature_unit


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