Command line tool for capturing video with the Google Coral EdgeTPU camera module.
mendel@edgetpu:~/coralvid$ mkdir build
mendel@edgetpu:~/coralvid$ cd build
mendel@edgetpu:~/coralvid/build$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
mendel@edgetpu:~/coralvid/build$ make
mendel@edgetpu:~/coralvid/build$ sudo make install
The above is for on-target builds. Cross-compilation is left as an exercise to the reader.
Print usage:
mendel@edgetpu:~$ coralvid --help
Capture H264 from CSI/MIPI camera at the requested bitrate
usage: coralvid [options]
-b, --bitrate=<int> Bitrate in Kbps (default: 1000)
-f, --fps=<int> Frame rate (default: 30)
-h, --height=<int> Frame height (default: 720)
-w, --width=<int> Frame width (default: 1280)
-i, --input=<device> Input device (default: /dev/video0)
-n, --num-buffers=<n> Number of video buffers (default: 4)
-o, --output=<file> Output file (default: stdout)
-p, --profile=<str> H.264 profile (default: baseline)
-t, --timeout=<int> Seconds to capture (default: 10)
--autofocus Enable autofocus
--help Print this message
-v, --version Print version
--verbose Print frames/sec information
Capture sample:
mendel@edgetpu:~$ coralvid -o sample.264