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Google Summer of Code

ockham edited this page Apr 1, 2013 · 6 revisions

Note: we're currently applying as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2013, so the following is still hypothetical, until we're either accepted or rejected.


If you're a student interested in participating in this year's Google Summer of Code by contributing code to Gourmet Recipe Manager, great! You can find our GSoC ideas list by filtering our issues tracker by the gsoc-idea label. If you want to add an idea, just file a new issue and tag it with that label (make sure to search the issue tracker first to make sure you're not posting a duplicate of an existing issue -- in such a case, tag the existing issue instead).


Due to the rather small size of the Gourmet team, and given that this is the first time Gourmet is taking part in GSoC, we'll be only able to accept one student. No matter which project this student will be working on, he/she will be mentored by the two active Gourmet developers, @ockham and @thinkle, with one acting as the main mentor and the other one as backup.

Getting started

For a general introduction on how to get started with Gourmet development, please read our Contribute wiki page. As you can see from our, Gourmet is written in Python and mostly relies on PyGTK and SQLAlchemy, as well as a couple of other dependencies, so some familiarity with at least some of these components is desirable. This might of course vary a bit depending on the particular project you'd like to implement -- again, see our ideas list (and, when adding new ideas, make sure you mention the requirements).

First thing you should do is join our team on Launchpad and corresponding mailing list, where you should briefly introduce yourself. That's also the place to ask any questions not answered here.


You should perform all work in a feature branch in your own fork of Gourmet, and as a rough guideline, we'd like you file pull requests every two weeks, which we'll then review, possibly ask for some amending, and merge. So it's a good idea to tell us how you intend to split up your project into chunks of approximately two weeks' work each in your application.

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