A simple directive to dynamically load proper view, based on the characteristics of the provided model.
<!-- Directly pass a string with the view -->
<tg-dynamic-directive ng-model="headerModel" tg-dynamic-directive-view="'headerView.html'">
<!-- Use a function that is called with the ng-model as a parameter -->
<div ng-repeat="pagePart in pageParts">
<tg-dynamic-directive ng-model="pagePart" tg-dynamic-directive-view="getView">
<!-- Get the view from a property of an object -->
<tg-dynamic-directive ng-model="footerModel" tg-dynamic-directive-view="footerModel.view">
myapp.controller('myController', function ($scope) {
$scope.headerModel = { title: 'Header title' };
$scope.pageParts = [{
title: 'My Title',
type: 'title'
}, {
label: 'Section 1',
type: 'section'
}, {
label: 'Section 2',
type: 'section'
$scope.footerModel = {
copyright: 'tg©',
view: 'footerView.html'
$scope.getView = function(item) {
if (item.type === 'title') {
return 'titleView.html';
} else if (item.type === 'section') {
return 'sectionView.html';
return null;
The parameter passed to ng-model
is available to the $scope
of the included view as ngModelItem
<script type="text/ng-template" id="headerView.html">
<h1> {{ ngModelItem.title }} </h1>