Credit Card Transaction Monitor is an example of a Modern Data Application running on the Hortonworks Connected Platform (HDP/HDF). The application shows how a financial institution can use Hortonworks Data Flow and Hortonworks Data Platform to protect credit card customers from credit card fraud.
Download and Import Hortonworks Sandbox 2.4 for Virtual Box. Should work with VMWare but has not been tested. Modify local hosts file so that resolves to (This is important and may break the simulator and UI)
Configure Virtual Box Port Forward
8082 – HDF_HTTP_Ingest
8090 - TransactionMonitorUI
8091 - Cometd
9090 – HDF_Studio
Start Sandbox, SSH to Sandbox (ssh [email protected] -p 2222)
Wait for Sandbox to fully boot up, all service need to finish starting
Change Ambari password to "admin" (ambari-admin-password-reset)
(!!!!!!!!!!!!!AMBARI PASSWORD MUST BE SET TO "admin" (no quotes)!!!!!!)
cd /root (use the /root directory to begin the install)
git clone
(make sure that git cloned to /root/CreditCardTransactionMonitor)
cd CreditCardTransactionMonitor
Install script reboot once complete. This is required to refresh session configuration.
Wait for Sandbox to fully reboot
Log back in via SSH (ssh [email protected] -p 2222)
The script to start demo services should be located in the /root/CreditCardTransactionMonitor directory
Slider will download the servlet (UI) docker containers from the docker hub so it may take a few minutes for the application server to start
Bring up the UI in a Browser:
Start Simulation:
The Simulator should be located in the CreditCardTransactionMonitor directory
java -jar CreditCardTransactionSimulator-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar Customer 1000 Simulation
java -jar simulator.jar arg1=Simulator-Type{Customer} arg2=EntityId{1000} arg3={Simulation|Training}
java -jar CreditCardTransactionSimulator-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar Customer 1000 Simulation
The first view is the Analyst Inbox. When transactions start coming through from the generator, the Inbox will start to fill up. Single click on one fo the transactions to see a preview of the transaction statistics and reason for being flagged.
Double Click on the transaction to explore it in detail in the context of the customer's profile.
Follow instructions in the CreditCardTransactionMonitorMobileApp Repo: