This is a PHP implementation of the do_by
Rubygem ( It's for adding auto-expiring TODO notes to a project.
use TheUnraveler\TodoBy\Todo;
// Globally enable TODO expiration. If TODO expiration is enabled and your code
// runs into an expired TODO, a TodoExpiredException will be thrown.
// Globally disable TODO expiration. This means that exceptions will not be
// thrown when expired TODOs are encountered. Good for production.
// Creates a new TODO that will expire on the given date.
new Todo('Implement feature X', time()); // Expiration date can be set with a timestamp,
new Todo('Implement feature Y', new \DateTime('now')); // ...a DateTime object,
new Todo('Implement feature Z', '+ 2 weeks'); // ...or anything parsable by new \DateTime.
// Alternatively...
Todo::create('Implement feature AA', '+ 2 weeks');
To run unit tests, first install dependencies (composer install
), then run
PHPUnit (bin/phpunit